Buenos Aires Tetra Qs.


New Member
Jan 9, 2008
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Bristol, UK.
:good: Just looking for some peoples experiences with these.

Basically I'd like to get a group (10 or so) for a tank made up of other Tetras. (Kind of a SA biotope/RO water etcs.)

How do they get on with other fish as I've read they are nippy? They'll be in with a large shoal of Rummy Nose Tetras and other species I've yet to decide on (suggestions welcome :))

And as they are the 'lawnmowers' of the fish world, would that include large Amazon Swords?

Many thanks.
They get to a reasonable size (3inches) and are fin nippers so avoid any long finned fish. They should be fine with other species of tetra but will bully small tetras when they get bored.
You can limit the damage they do to plants by feeding them a vege flake/ pellet and fresh or frozen (but defrosted) fruits and veges. ie: peas, pumpkin, zucchini, etc are all commonly used.
are these tetras fish eaters i have a small shoal of 6 in my tank of 50 gallons i recently added 10 neons now im down to 2 i thought they died but could not find any bodies ? so i put some young guppy fry in there and boy those buenos went wild has anyone had this problem with these fish like me
All tetras (and virtually any fish) will eat small fish that are added to their tank (ie: baby guppies) but most won't bother eating stuff like neons unless they are starving and the neons are tiny. Then they see the neons as food.

There is a probability the neons you bought died and then the other fish ate them.

If you want to add more small fish then feed the tank about 30 minutes before you introduce the new comers. That should help prevent the tank inhabitants from seeing the new fish as a food source and hopefully leave them alone for long enough to settle in.

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