Bubbles Getting Stuck


Fish Crazy
Jul 12, 2007
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Texas, United States
I have a ladder system for my co2 but the bubbles are getting stuck Do they need to be necassarily moving or is getting stuck good because they are in contact with the water longer?
is the ladders new?
i read on some website about that c02 system that it takes a few days for a slime coat or something like that to form on the glass so that the c02 can slide smoothly.
well I have 2 one is runing smoothly and the other which looks like it has a small crack on it are getting stuck but the crack shouldn't be affecting it because there are bubbles above it.
My ladder used to get stuck when I first put it in (was second hand). First of all, make sure you've given it a good scrub. I found with mine the bubbles would clog up and make big bubbles and eventually force their way past. After a few days they were flowing normally :)

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