Bubble Nest! Biggest One He Has Made To Date...

He could be happy and not build one. Surface disturbance normally stops them from building them just move your filter a little lower and closer to the side of the tank to minimise it.

Live plants!!!!

Ive fully planted Radishes tank and he adores it!

Cabomba and elodia :good:
I don't think Shimmer is not happy. You seem to be taking quite good care of him! Not all betta's make the nests on their own and they only make them if they have good opportunities. I.e. Calm water spot with maybe something like a leaf on the surface which he can build against. Also, you only got smmer recently, didn't you? I had mine for a month before he started making bubblenests and he only does them when there is a leaf flush with the surface or at least breaking the surface
I was suprised to find this morning there was a small group of bubbles around a leave at the surface not sure its bubblenest but hope so!
After redoign the tank last night it may be a sign he likes it!
His fins appear to be growing more aswell, im so porud of him :D
Sounds like it. Since you do not have any medication in the tank that might be causing foam, it most likely is the beginning of a nest. Bubbles just from airflow would dissipate. The bubblenest bubbles the bettas make stay together. You are obviously being a very good fish mom. : )

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