Bronze And Panda Spawned Again


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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I have 10 eggs right now. I think I'm ready to grow them out. But I would rather just keep them in this tank and not move them. I have java moss for the fry to hide in. It's a 20 gal with one Cory cats 4 pandas and 3 albinos and 3 bronze.

If I put a sponge on the filter intake will they be ok.

I have a spare tank I could set up.

Looks like I have another pair love is in the tank.
Well done on your eggs :good:

I think they may get eaten by the adults if you left them in the same tank.
depending on the ph of your water wether the eggs will get fungus before they hatch, if they hatch the young will go to the bottom of the tank, if you have substrate they may well become trapped, its better to remove the eggs to a sep tank, a tub will do, with an air line and some meth blue to prevent fungus, they are quite hard to grow on, you could leave these eggs if there are no other fish to eat them and see if you have any success, good luck, di
I tried to get them off the glass and crushes some. :(

I only have one hand I can get wet the other is in a cast. They will have to stay. I have sand so they will not get stuck in that. Yes the others might eat them that's what I'm worried about. I have 8 eggs. I think the pandas will eat them..

How do I get the eggs out with one hand?
they are tacky, once you get the hang of it, you should be able to let them stick to your finger one at i time, (i did hatch 40 odd once) placing each one in a tub with an airstone, di
aww thats a shame,they may lay some more!

They must've just laid them,wait for them to harden up a bit,this makes them easier to remove :good:
I got 5 out . They are now stuck on a good size rock in a 28oz jar. Will they be ok at room temp of 67F = 19c till they hatch? I can't get them off the rock.

We have more eggs I can try again.
I got a few more moved them off the rock. I have 14 I think. They are in a floating jar in the tank safe from the others but will stay warm. I will have to see how many hatch now. How exciting.. I have a 5 gal I will put the fry in. If these guys live I might put them in my 55gal. What's cool is I know these corys are not related. I will post photos of the parents. The dad almost looks like a laser Cory but not really.
fab news,well done :good:

Eggs while they're still tacky can gently be rolled on & off surfaces has long has you're careful. :)

Have you got a spare airstone you can put in with the eggs? just so they got a flow of water over them to stop them going fungal.
i think some one should put up a pic of where they put there eggs and like the equitment they use like the airstones,just so when this happens to some one they can see what is a good way to do it....just a thought
Daddy cory in the middle. sorry for the poor photos. I was using my husbands camera.


What I rigged up for the eggs.

You can almost see on egg on the edge of the leaf
Thanks I hope so. I just dump out some of the old water and add new water 2 times a day. When they hatch then things will get tricky I do have some small tanks I can set up.

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