Bronze / Albino?


Fish Crazy
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
These may be silly questions but here goes will bronze & albino Cory’s mate? What would be most likely coloring be?
Is the albino coloring a random accurance that could appear in a brood spawned by two bronze Cory’s?
These may be silly questions but here goes will bronze & albino Cory’s mate? What would be most likely coloring be?
Is the albino coloring a random accurance that could appear in a brood spawned by two bronze Cory’s?

My female bronze used to breed with our albino male when we still had our albino pair of corys. We only ever saw her spawn with the albino male. The bronze insitgated the spawning, but never actually 'T'd the female. All their fry have turned out bronze, we didn't get one albino. Maybe you need both parents to be albino to get albino fry. :D I'm assuming you could get an albino from bronze parents. Hope this helps. :)
Yeah cheers for your help it was just a random thought i got while watching one of my juvenile albinos chasing after one of the big bronzes last night. i guess i'll just to have to wait & see.
Do you know at what size they become able to spawn?
Your bronze would need a recessive albino gene for any of the babies to be albino. Even then, you'll still get some bronze.

I'm wondering the size question myself.
We had, had our cory's about a year before they started breeding, although the female that layed all the eggs, we'd only had 6 months. They were all the same size when bought, obviously the female grew bigger. She was about 6cm and the males a bit smaller when they started to breed. We also had an albino female, but she never spawned just got really fat with eggs. We traded the albino pair at the pet shop (with some of our baby bronze fry) to make space for more corys and widen the gene pool. :D Keep well. :)

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