broken heart


Fish Crazy
Mar 4, 2003
Reaction score
Lansing Mi
I am sorry to say that my firemouth cichlid had to be put down today I just couldnt see him suffer one more minute. :-( When I pulled him outta the tank I checked his gills - White as a bone :huh: Is this from the disease he got or does it just happen to fish who cant filter the oxygen out? please help I dont ever wanna do this again. Please see my other post (ready to euthanise?) for details on my tank and symptoms etc. I am very depressed I feel I should just take everything back to the store cause I dont deserve to be a fish keepr. please let me have a clue. I am begging in memory of Boris ( thats what I called him) :sad:
I'm really sorry to hear about Boris :sad:
Its horrible when your fish die, especially when you're just starting out in this amazing hobby. But don't feel too bad. It's happened to everyone who has ever kept fish. So don't give up!! :)
I've not had my tanks more than a few months and I've never had cichlids so I can't help with your query but all fish lose a lot of their colour when they're dead.
I'm sure someone much more experienced here will be able to give you more answers

RIP Boris

First let me say I am sorry to hear about your loss!! It never is easy when a fish has to be put down.

We have all at one time or another gone through what your going through so we do understand!!

I will have a look at your previous post and see what I can figure out for ya.

Again sorry about your loss!!


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