

May 20, 2006
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few questions?

do they need to be in groups?

do they breed easierly?

are they aggressive?

do they do well in community tank?

I am after a smallish easy to keep catfish not cory which will not breed eaisly and fit into an community tank. It has a few live plants but maily plastic.

see for my stocking. I probally wont get one/few for a few months. just want to know what to go for next time I am in the fish shop. There are so many different type! :hyper: I dont want to pick up the wrong type.

They're fine alone, in pairs or trios for spawning, 2 males in a smaller tank may argue over teritory though. Unlikely any real damage will be done between them, usually split fins at the worst.
Harmless to other species, even small fry, but they may eat broad-leaved plants like Amazon swords if there's not enough algae or other veggies in their diet.
Spawning is easy enough given clean water, proper diet, and a suitable "cave" or similar shelter for the male to establish a territory and entice a plump female into.
Looking at your stocking I'd say the tank is already rather crowded. The Cory cats and loaches should keep up with any leftover food.
Alone is fine, I find groups are better.

No, not aggressive, but territorial. 3 ft tank for one male, 4-5+ ft for 2+ males. I recently had two fight, where one suffered quite badly (with most of his tail and half his armour plates gone).

Great for community tanks.

There are smaller plecos, consider them instead, if your tank is under 3 ft long.
Random, I know, but KK I just looked at your tanks and they're fawking amazing. Very nice work.
Random, I know, but KK I just looked at your tanks and they're fawking amazing. Very nice work.
Thanks :) I received my new one in the post and will be keeping a detailed diary starting from scratch (including my first fish-less cycle in my own tank - I have done them for other people before, but I've been keeping fish for so long that I always seed and plant my own). Link will be added to signature, when it's ready! (On a side note: PM may have been more appropriate ;) )
Answers to your questions based in my experience with bnp

do they need to be in groups?

*No. But if you plan on breeding you will need atleast a male and female.

do they breed easierly?

*depends on your experience with fish. yes if your experienced, no if your new and needs to learn the ropes of cycling, conditioning,etc.. But don't be afraid to try. Best experiences are thur trying.

are they aggressive?

*semi aggressive against other males of same species, they do this for turf and alpha ratings hah..

do they do well in community tank?

*Yes, but watch out for neons and tetras picking on their bristles. And if you plan on breeding them in a community tank... Good luck with it..

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