Fish Fanatic
I have 2 bristlenose plecos, beast is gold (very bright too) and beauty is mottled brown, just curious what conditions people have found these guys breed best at ?
thanks guys x
thanks guys x
A choice of caves, bogwood, feed them regularly (I feed 1 wafer each every other day) and they breed non-stop. I have had them breed them in everything from pH 6.0 to 7.5, in very soft water to hard water, temperatures 18°C to 28°C. They seem to breed better in planted tanks with regular lighting, normally spawning every 4-6 weeks. Fry survival rate is almost always 100%. Fry grow better in a very clean environment.
Guppies prefer a slightly colder temp but 28c will be fine.Thanks guys the tanks always on 28c just because the guppies and african butterfly fish like it that way too
i have a cave and a peice of bog wood the tanks very well airated (bubble curtain)
any idea what the outcome will be with these two?