Bristlenose Plecs


Fish Fanatic
Nov 27, 2010
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I have 2 bristlenose plecos, beast is gold (very bright too) and beauty is mottled brown, just curious what conditions people have found these guys breed best at ?
thanks guys x
A choice of caves, bogwood, feed them regularly (I feed 1 wafer each every other day) and they breed non-stop. I have had them breed them in everything from pH 6.0 to 7.5, in very soft water to hard water, temperatures 18°C to 28°C. They seem to breed better in planted tanks with regular lighting, normally spawning every 4-6 weeks. Fry survival rate is almost always 100%. Fry grow better in a very clean environment.
Because they have been bred in aquariums for so long there very tolerant of most ph, temp and hardness. A PH anywhere between 6-8 will be fine and even lower the the acidic side will work. To breed them they will need a good varied diet, plenty of caves and a temp of about 25-28.

A choice of caves, bogwood, feed them regularly (I feed 1 wafer each every other day) and they breed non-stop. I have had them breed them in everything from pH 6.0 to 7.5, in very soft water to hard water, temperatures 18°C to 28°C. They seem to breed better in planted tanks with regular lighting, normally spawning every 4-6 weeks. Fry survival rate is almost always 100%. Fry grow better in a very clean environment.

I wouldnt keep BNs in 18C. Imo anything below 22c would be to low they are tropical after all.
:good: Thanks guys the tanks always on 28c just because the guppies and african butterfly fish like it that way too :)
i have a cave and a peice of bog wood the tanks very well airated (bubble curtain)
any idea what the outcome will be with these two? :hyper:
:good: Thanks guys the tanks always on 28c just because the guppies and african butterfly fish like it that way too :)
i have a cave and a peice of bog wood the tanks very well airated (bubble curtain)
any idea what the outcome will be with these two? :hyper:
Guppies prefer a slightly colder temp but 28c will be fine.
Once you get fry that wood might start disappearing because they eat wood to help there digestion. Its best to get some slightly softer wood but it still has to be a hard wood. Something like Oak is perfect for them. If you find a bit in the forest and the bark has all fallen off or is almost all off then just give it a quick scrub and boil it and its ready for the tank. My BNs have taken a strip of wood down from about 2" to 1" in about 9 months but there are over 100.

Is it 1 albino and 1 brown? If it is then all the fry will be brown but have the recessive albino gene so if you breed 2 of the fry you will get 25% pure brown, 50% brown with albino gene and 25% pure albino.



The tank

Yeah looks like 1 brown and 1 albino.
I would get a slate cave or something like that for them to spawn in. Theres a member on here that makes and sells then for a great price.

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