Hello Guys
Long time no speak. Sorry been away for a while. Got into my Malawi fish.
Anyway on with my problem.....
I bought a female Bristlenose last wednesday and plonked her in with my male to see how they got on in my Malawi tank and the next day she was skinny and also my male was acting really aggressive to the fish.
I had a closer look and he is fanning eggs in a pot, which is brilliant after just one day!
Problem is that the female had obviously strained herself so much and she has expelled some of her insides. I have removed her from the main tank and am dosing her up with Melafix.
It redness and swelling has gone down but am I doing the right thing? and have you come across this before?
Long time no speak. Sorry been away for a while. Got into my Malawi fish.
Anyway on with my problem.....
I bought a female Bristlenose last wednesday and plonked her in with my male to see how they got on in my Malawi tank and the next day she was skinny and also my male was acting really aggressive to the fish.
I had a closer look and he is fanning eggs in a pot, which is brilliant after just one day!
Problem is that the female had obviously strained herself so much and she has expelled some of her insides. I have removed her from the main tank and am dosing her up with Melafix.
It redness and swelling has gone down but am I doing the right thing? and have you come across this before?