Bristle-Nose Going... Mental?


Fish Crazy
Aug 21, 2011
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When the heater light comes on, it shines on the wall.... at night, so you can see the shadows of the fish on the wall.

PROBLEM-Last night (my tank is in my room), i saw on the wall a fish shadow going past the light on the heater.
After a few minutes i noticed it was doing it over and over again.
Then I realised it was my pleco.
It was going round in circles,
Past the heater > round the side of the breeding net > behind the breeding net > back to the heater... over and over again?

What the hell was it doing?
Is it normal for them to do this at night?

It was goin round and round in circles at night....

I have another pleco in another tank, and he never does this.
And I know that they are most active at night... but this is a bit much....
I've Had my BN for only a week but he does seem a very active little dude !!

He's barmy, I dont know why he does it

This is normal behavior for a spawning community. all the fish should be a little skittish when a fish has spawned. the BN may feel the need to take care of the eggs or clean them off especially if he is male. I wouldn't worry.

But he has no eggs,... the breeding net bit> its for the mollys
its definately nothing to do with eggs, if he had eggs no way would he leave them.

Maybe he just gets a little freaked out when the light comes on from being in pitch black

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