New Member
Hello , just wondering if anyone has any ideas to why all 3 of my bn's died. I had one in each of my tanks, one in 54ltrs was about 3 inch, one in 37.5 ltrs at about 2-3inch and one in my 40ltrs tank at about 4-5inch. they were brilliant little workers, every tank was spotless of algae.
I always test water after a death,the last one to pass away was 2 days back and i found that ammonia and nitrite were zero but nitrate was present at around 5-10mg/l.
What puzzled me was i had serious nitrate problems a few months back when they were up to 75+ mg/l in my 37.5 ltrs (blood red on the interpet tablet test kit) and around 50-60 mg/l in the 54 ltrs and they all survived that emergencey. Are bn's extra sensitive to even low(ish) nitrates? or is there a possiblity i could have spread some sort of disease between tanks with nets and hands at feeding time beacuse the water in the 40ltrs was perfect.
If any one could help I would be greatful, to late for my bristles but would like to have an idea what could of happened so it does'nt happen again. Look forward to hearing any replys, thanks Davey
I always test water after a death,the last one to pass away was 2 days back and i found that ammonia and nitrite were zero but nitrate was present at around 5-10mg/l.
What puzzled me was i had serious nitrate problems a few months back when they were up to 75+ mg/l in my 37.5 ltrs (blood red on the interpet tablet test kit) and around 50-60 mg/l in the 54 ltrs and they all survived that emergencey. Are bn's extra sensitive to even low(ish) nitrates? or is there a possiblity i could have spread some sort of disease between tanks with nets and hands at feeding time beacuse the water in the 40ltrs was perfect.
If any one could help I would be greatful, to late for my bristles but would like to have an idea what could of happened so it does'nt happen again. Look forward to hearing any replys, thanks Davey