Brilliant Algae eating snail


New Member
Jan 25, 2005
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I have recently had a large build up of green algae in my tank which is alkward to clean and makes the glass look generally un-clean. After looking on fishforums for a possible solution I decided to get three ottos to try to counter act the problem as my tank is too small for a plec. I love these fish but they didn't seem to be making much of a dent in the algae on my nice ornemental stones and tank glass. I was at my LFS the other day and I saw they had some snails in stock advertised as algae eating snails, they have brown and black stripes and are about 2cm big. I decided to try one out as the LFS owner asured me they do not get any bigger and only eat algae and not plants. This snail is an awesome algae eating machine! All my nice stones are now white again and the snail has now started on my glass. He never stops and I am really pleased with it and would recomend this type of snail to anyone with similar probs to myself.
My ottos are rubbish too, they make no difference. My plecs dont do much either. I get the brown algea, Diatoms i think its called.
Wonder if those snails will help me?
My CAE is doing a great job at the moment but i understand that as they grow he will become lazy and stop feeding on the algae.

He is also becoming an aggressive little sh*t towards some of my other fish and it looks like he is gonna have to go back to the LFS.

These snails sound like a good substitute. Do you have any idea what the name of them is?? Or a picture of them would also help.


steve 8)
you get brown algae if the tank doesn't get enough light

you get green algae if the tank gets too much light

can't winn really, I don't get much algae because I have a planted aquarium. My Red Gibicep (Sailfin Plec) eats lots of the algae
I've whcked up the amount of light to get rid of the brown algea and its done nothing. I've put plants in, doesnt do anything, just cant get rid of the stuff!!!!
I tried to get an algae eating snail and was told they dont stock them in the colder months. Time to go the uptown lfs cuz this one sucks =[
I would also like to know the exact type of snail this is. Can you post a pic of it? I need some.
lol All snails eat algae. I hate snails though they reproduce like crazy, and I didnt even buy mine they come in live plants.
FrAnK3333 said:
lol All snails eat algae. I hate snails though they reproduce like crazy, and I didnt even buy mine they come in live plants.
True but some snails also eat plants. I am actually getting very interested in snails lately. Almost enough to have a snail tank.
I have heard the Malaysian Trumpet Snail will eat algae and only the parts of plants that are decomposing already. Haven't been able to find one myself to try it out. Don't have time to look up a picture of them right now. HTH
Carrcn, I wouldn't recommend getting a malaysian trumpet snail - they definitely enjoy algae, but from my experience, they also happen to like most plants, and breed like *crazy*. And they don't even need 2 snails to reproduce :blink: I had the misfortune of getting one of these guys in my plants a while back, and it quickly became dozens. Have you tried ottos, an apple snail, or even a bristlenose catfish?
Sounds like Pomacea canaliculata which does eat algae, but also plants. The Pomacea bridgisii is plant friendly, loves algae, produces eggs above the water line (can easily be picked off as they appear) and is single sexed, so will not reproduce on thier own (they can store sperm for 6 months though, so they may appear to).

I have both the above species (breed them for my puffers :hey: ) Look at for more info.

My trumpet snails spend a lot of time on the plants in my tank, but there have never been any "eaten spots" so they must not be eating them. I have soft leaved plants too.

I might have to get some of those non-plant loving apple snails from's exchange forum. I'm hoping to get zebra nerites but they aren't easy to breed so they're more expensive...if you can find them at all.

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