
dman...i wish i lived in a mansion :( or my mom will let me stuff up the house with tanks..
wait... i forgot i have a spare 30 gal in my garage! Will that work?I know u said 40 But i am just checking because i dont want to go out and buy a $200 40 gallon 4 no reason. I also have some baby brine shrimp i can raise. I think i may actually be able to do it! I also have like 50 jars saved up! I may actually be ready! I am excited! I have been researching a lot lately. I kno what to feed them, how to do the breeding proccess, now, if that stuff is all ok, then now my problem is just picking the fish!
research research first. check out the cost of raising one fry spawn $380 total. please please please dont do it unless you have thoroughly researched it! if you care for the fish, you wont jump right into it!
Im not going to breed themm right when i get it, i never said i wanted to do it right away. I just eant to try and get one male betta today, and then 1 female betta 1 or 2 months from now. That gives me time to sell stuff and make some money and do a lot morre research.
but really when i do get the female will a 30 gallon be ok for the fry? I just need to know so that i dont go buy a whole nother tank 4 no reason. lol
it all depends how many fry you get. a 30 gallon would be perfect for say 40-50 fry under 2 months..but you may get a spawn with hundreds of fry and then you would need a few more 20 or 30 gallons. also at the time of a month or so you should be able to tell alot of males need to be jarred up on there own from their you may end up needing more jars or tanks depending on the amount of each sex. I'm glad you arent jumping right into it, please keep researching and thinking about it, as it is a lot to get into.
Yeah I started researching and already working on my grow out tanks LOL. Sure I am doing them a little big , but I can section mine off into 3 sections and have 3 40 gallon tanks. I will be doing this to section the spawns apart. I also plan on spawning cories also and they will live with the bigger bettas.
thak you. I know no matter what though I am going to get a male betta. The bad part is i think we only have veiltails here, and i really dont trust aquabid. i guess i will ust have to see what i can find.
One thing you can do if the 30 gallon isn't big enough for the spawn you have (if you have a big spawn) is setup up a Rubbermail tank, heheh. I know several people that use those Rubbermaid storage containers as backup growout tanks. Just put a sponge filter in them and they're ready. It works great for them, and they're much cheaper than a real aquarium.

oh my gosh, you are hte smart person on this planet!!!!!

:D :D :D why didn't i ever thought of that! you're talking about those big...bigggg plastic rubbermaid containers that you oput like toys and laundry or wahtever in right?

wow :) you are brillant...sure you can't really see hte fish or anything...but that's okay!
i use 18 gal storage conatiners for some of my fry. i think mine are sterilite brand-they are clear so you can see through them.

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