

Fish Fanatic
May 23, 2004
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I want to start breeding bettas. Any suggestions? Oh and do betta fry grow quickly? I saw a full grown one that was only 3 months or 4.
Thanks to anyone who replies!
i read it and all i can say is oh god i am never gonna make it

Oh and can i keep the fry in with the mother and father?
for a month or so
You need to remove the mother immediately after spawning or he will kill her. After three days, you nust remove the father or he will begin to eat the fry.
thanks. Could i just remove the fry instead? I dont want to keep both bettas in the little tanks i have. They are about as big as three betta cups. I would rather put my fry in those. And can i put gravel in it or will i lose some of the fry this way?
errr, did you really read that article?

Please,please prepare ahead before attempting to spawn your fish! They will need a rather LARGE tank to grow in and they WILL need to be seperated so you would need jars (all in the article!) 3 tiny cups isn't going to cut it! And no you can't move the fry,they're so extremely tiny and fragile.
ya i read it but i didnt read the whole thing. I saw that part though. I just cant afford the stuff right now so i will do the best i can.
Why do it at all then? IMO, that seem's like you're doing it just because you want to. Keep in mind that you'll eventually have to DO something with the fry, cleaning jars every other day is a lot of work and they'll need homes.
agreed, the frys can't grow up in litlte containers, they need the big room, and what are you going to do with like 20 bettas after you spawn them? i want to breed too but i'm patiently looking around for a breeding tank and gathering all the proper equipment and looking into pet stores and stuff before i start.

:) i bet it's a lot of work, i wouldn't try and breed veitltails either, if you're going to do it, you might as well raise some nice CT babies :)
Neoman said:
ya i read it but i didnt read the whole thing. I saw that part though. I just cant afford the stuff right now so i will do the best i can.
Um, if you can't do it right, don't do it at all. These are living creatures, don't breed them and then not be able to properly care for the fry, all that will happen is they'll die, and that's just cruel.

Breeding Bettas isn't something to take lightly, it's alot of work and money and time to care properly for them. So please don't.

it takes months of research to be a successful (and humane) breeder. dont try to "do the best you can" with no supplies or knowledge. that is a selfish thought that is not at all concerned with the welfare of the bettas and fry.
umm, kind of a off-topic question, but woudl a 10G tank be enough for baby betta frys after culling?
this is what I think wuv and Jacblades means, i have been reading on bettas since I was having trouble keeping ones i bought alive. Now i am past that hurdle, and now going to give it a go at becoming a breeder. I will eventually have 5 , 120 gallon tanks 4 55 gallons and 2 betta barracks. I already set up a deal with a guy to take my culls. I have only 4 more 120's to make and 2 barracks LOL I am well on my way :D

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