

New Member
Sep 27, 2007
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this may be a silly question but i just want to no. What are the easiest saltwater fish to breed. and how would you make sure they will breed

Sorry for the silly question
Mollies are the easiest 'saltwater' fish to breed.

Clownfish and several others can be bred with a little effort. To breed them, simply provide a pair with a well kept tank and plenty of food. Host anemones can help clownfish "get into the mood" but are not required.

Raising the fry is more difficult and can usually be done only with living rotifers or copepod nauplii. Culturing these creatures is not particularly difficult and requires modest resources but it can be very difficult to locate "starter" cultures. Brine shrimp nauplii cannot be used to raise marine fish as far as I am aware. They do not provide the correct nutrition and are often too large for the babies (fry) to eat.
they are easy on saltwater terms but compared to the beginner freshwater breeder, they are quite hard.
I wouldn't say so. I've spawned a pair of oscars numerous times when I was still a "beginner", and I have also bred convicts, Poecilids, rosy barbs, and a few other fish even before that. Clownfish et al. need similar conditions.

Raising the fry is, however, much more difficult than in freshwater because marine larvae are often much smaller or even planktonic, in many cases.
I wouldn't say so. I've spawned a pair of oscars numerous times when I was still a "beginner", and I have also bred convicts, Poecilids, rosy barbs, and a few other fish even before that. Clownfish et al. need similar conditions.

Raising the fry is, however, much more difficult than in freshwater because marine larvae are often much smaller or even planktonic, in many cases.

thats what i meant but now i seem like a hopeless person so your right.
now i seem like a hopeless person
I certainly wouldn't have said that at first, but considering how offended you become after people misunderstand you or disagree with you, on an internet forum no less, I'm not really sure anymore.
well, i am very self aware, by breeding i meant the whole 9 yards from conditioning, egg laying or other way of making eggs, hatching, rearing, growing, selling, restarting.

But someone who says, oh thats what i mean, i dont like that, so if i dont like it, i take it that other people may not like it, i get super self aware, then get paranoid, then try to edit it and add other stuff only to see other people have read it, and then i think i look like a fool for a few months until i finally forget about it.

"but considering how offended you become after people misunderstand you or disagree with you"

So yes, i would and did think i seemed helpless, you got a problem with that then call a psychiatrist for me, im also sensitive which is probably genetics so i guess you cant fix that.
Take it easy, buddy. I guess I probably don't understand as I've probably developed some kind of numbness from all the bashings I received in years past on this forum, :lol: though admittedly most of them were probably at least somewhat deserved. :lol:

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