If you really want to breed a fish that "does not breed in the home aquaria". The first thing I suggest is watch the fish, I dont mean just look at the tank, sit there hour upon hour and study their behaviour, watch for any changes. You would need to do a 24 hour study to see when they are most likely to spawn, some maybe early morning, some dusk, and a further yearly study, some fish only have a spawning season when they spawn a couple of times a year. When I bred my weather loach I had been watching the tank for ages with just the two fish in, ok it was mostly pondering what to do with the tank, but the heavy rain storms and long wet winter at the time really changed their behaviour and I was lucky enough to be next to the tank when they started spawning. The only other accounts of weather loach breeding I found were accidental, finding fry in sump tanks etc.
My one and only witnessed clown loach spawn (unsuccessful at raising any fry though) was really early in the morning and most of the eggs were eaten before I realised what was going on, this was the morning after a water change.This was during the summer, the tank temperature had increased and I had dropped the water level slightly to get more surface aggitation from the filters - if this was a trigger for the clowns or not I am not sure I only saw one spawn.
You may need to experiment with water levels, lowering the water level may trigger spawning behaviour, or having a lower water level for a while then raising it may trigger spawning. Study the whole group, as there is no information on these spawning, they may spawn as a group, or two may split and spawn. They may even need a spawning mop type set up - no one knows at the moment.
Your chances of success with your current set up though are very slim with having other egg eating fish.
None of the above is actual scientific study, its only my own personal observations and experiences.