Breeding Pygmy Corys

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My one suggestion would be to get a couple chunks of real wood, like Malaysian Driftwood which is very dark brown, usually full of crevices and tunnels, and corys really like this.  It also releases natural organics into the tank which will help the fish, and the fry when that time comes.
On the Leaf Zone, I wouldn't.  This product contains iron and potassium, but none of the other 15 nutrients.  It may be sufficient in some cases, again depending upon your tap water and fish foods.  But I prefer using a complete fertilizer.  My present one is Seachem's Flourish comprehensive Supplement for the Planted Aquarium.  Make sure it is this one, as they make several different products under the "Flourish" name.  A very small bottle will last you months, you use very little; 1/4 teaspoon in a 10g once a week is all I use.  Another similar product is Brightwell Aquatics' FlorinMulti.
Depends upon the store probably.
Think I could see some pics of you guys' tanks? :) I always enjoy seeing what plants and setups people use, along with admiring their fish. :)
the tank looks lovely but I think they're more likely to spawn if there's more cover, whether that be with more plants or more wood as Byron suggest. From what I've seen cories seem more relaxed if they know there's somewhere to go and hide. Seen as you asked here's my tank

My peppered and panda's live under the big piece of wood there on the right. My bronze and melini's live on the left under the plants and wood there. They are come out into the middle at feeding time and then disappear back to their relative 'homes'. This seems to be normal cory behaviour
Your tank is beautiful!!
Are the big plants swords? 
Yeah, I know my tank looks pretty bad. Hopefully I can get better ferts and maybe wood so the plants can grow out and then I'll work with that. My cories don't seem to mind it, so that's nice. (Although I'd like to give them better.)

Ok, so I have the one anubias to a rock, and the other is behind the other rock to the right. I have the 4 java ferns, one in the middle, one right behind that one on a small rock, one infront of the rock on the left, and one on the rock on the left. (And also some sad little crypts infront of the rock on the left. They look kind of like your crypts!

So when I get my java moss, where would I put it? I can rearrange things... and it could be a while before I'd think about getting wood (money doesn't grow on trees).

Also, how big is your tank (in gallons)? 
hi, yes the big plants are amazon swords - swords are super easy to keep. I don't do much with my tank, I actually forget to add ferts most of the time! This tank will have been running 2 years this August. It's taken all this time for the tank to get a 'grown in' feel to it. With some plants it really is just a case of being patient and persevering. The main one on your list that will take patience is the crypt. I've found crypts can sometimes take a while to establish. When I added mine it melted back to one shoot and it was like that for months. I was ready to give up on it but decided not to and I'm glad I did - now it's growing and looking really healthy. It's taken it nearly 2 years but it's got there. 
Some plants will grow like a weed - things like Hygophilia and cabomba tend to grow no matter what you throw at them. I think if you are struggling to grow plants look at plants on the 'easy' list
Have a look here the good thing about this company is they tell you what's easy to grow and what is more difficult. They'll also tell you if the plant has any specific water requirements. 
Ps - thanks for the kind words about my tank. It's needing pruning but I'm waiting until after it's moved this coming week. Once it's back in the room and before I re-add my fish I'll get in and give it a serious prune back!
Yes, I'd like to try some Amazon swords some time. Hopefully I can get some for my and Christmas. That way it doesn't cost me. :D 
So do you have any ideas as to where I should put my moss when it goes in? Like what part of the tank (from looking at the picture). 
would it tie around that small rock at the rear left? 
Yes, besides the fact that there is already a plant tied to it. So you think it would do well in the back right corner? 
you put it where you want to put it hun, it's your tank :D
A word about Swords. Bee careful which ones you get. I got two in the plastic tubes from Petsmart. Three years later they are growing out of a 21 inch tall tank.
Have not tried Hygro yet, but my Caboma puked out and died quickly. Of course my Angels chewing on it didn't help.
Bacopa is a nice easy plant.
I would stay with simple plants here.  This is a small tank, 10g I believe you said, intended to breed pygmy cories.  This means you will want the light lower than what most stem plants will need to be healthy (Cabomba is fairly bright light requiring, Hygro isn't much different).  The pygmy chain swords are ideal in a situation like here.  And floating plants to dim the light.
Yeah, right now I'm taking it slow as far as getting more plants. I haven't had much luck in the past with them.
And as far as dim lighting, I'm just going to have fun with my tank and plants, and if my pygmies spawn, then that's cool. :) I've had pygmies spawn in a high lit plastic planted tank before. :D 

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