Breeding Pygmy Corys

ask the store to hold some for you Mr Doodles ... I'm sure they will if you ask. My lfs reserve fish if you ask :)

0.25 nitrite is enough to make new fish very poorly Diddlebug - keep an eye on that and maybe pop one of your other cycled filters back in for now like I suggested and see if you can slow the flow down like I suggested too.
I don't want you to wake up tomorrow to more dead fishes :(
Yeah. :/ I'll see what I can do. :)

I just checked the nitrites and they are 0, so that's good. 
I went to the LFS to get the remaining 5 pygmys they were holding for me and they had all died overnight. So maybe it was just a weak batch or something... 
that's slightly worrying... next time ask the lfs how long they have had them in stock. 
How are you acclimatizing them?
They just got them in on wed. And I got some on Thurs. 
Well, I probably should have slowly added some tank water to the bag. I just dumped the cories in after the temp adjusted, which is a big no no. So that could be a big factor in some of the deaths. 
it's more likely from stress I think. If they only arrived at the lfs on Wednesday and they sold them to you within 24 hours the poor things have been moved from where they were bred - to a new tank with different water parameters - and then on again to another tank with more different parameters ... no wonder they keeled over.
That's bad practice from the lfs in my opinion. Normally an lfs allow fish at least 48 hours from delivery before even allowing them to go on sale ... if they don't they're not a great lfs. Next time ask when they arrived - if it's less than a week then ask the lfs to reserve the amount you want - offer them a deposit out of courtesy. A good lfs will refuse the deposit and stick a label on the tank reserving the number you want and your name (it's what my lfs does). I always make a date to return for them and assure them that I will notify them if anything changes. 
As for acclimatizing ... we all do things differently. There is evidence to suggest that fish take several hours to even notice a change in pH, gH and kH which means drip acclimatizing is pointless, but some still swear by it. Personally I give them about 10 minutes, adding a bit of my water every few mins - more to bring the temps together than anything else and then calmly tip the bag on it's side and allow them to swim out when they are ready. 

I'm not going to scold you. I'd never do that, it's in no-one's interests. I'm here to help ... never to tell anyone off. We all make mistakes, it's how we learn :)
Thank you then, for not scolding. :) some people just love to jump all over you when you do something wrong. :p
Yeah, I'll probably just call and have them reserve some for me next time so I can make sure they are healthy. :) 
yep ... been jumped all over myself ... it's not nice when your just trying to do your best. Anyway, I'm logging off now for the night :)
DiddleBug, sorry to hear about the pygmies kicking off at the lfs.
As for acclamation, I let the bag float to equalize temp as well. While not aware of the amount of time for pH et cetera changes to affect fish I drip acclimate to help the fish adjust to other parameters, such as Nitrate. Runs about 40ppm in my tanks.
I don't mix the bag water into the tank, just as a precaution to keep from introducing anything into my tanks. But to each their own.
Yeah, I agree with Akasha about the stress causing the deaths. And quality fish shops will quarantine new arrivals. Locally I have two chain stores and one fish only shop. All three recive new shipments on Tuesday. At the chains the fish are up for sale as soon as the bags are opened. At the fish only shop they are available on Friday. Don't get me wrong, I have many fish from the chains, but it was more of a see them come in, come back on the weekend and look again.
I understand about jumping the gun and snagging the Corys early, we have all done it, and anyone that says otherwise is telling a fib.

Anyway, fingers crossed the worst is over.
Yep! Hopefully my 4 will do well and I'll get a few more in the weeks to come. :) And I also need to order some java moss... :)

One or two males are still showing a bit of courtship behavior. Is this normal is such young coryies?
Males tend to reach puberty earlier than females. I've had the same behavior in all my Corys. The girls catch up in a few weeks.
Yeah, I've noticed that. :) Do you know how long it could be, then? Before they can breed?
Is just plain sand ok for plants? I have anubias on rocks, a java fern on a rock, and 2 other java ferns in the sand (but not deep enough to "drown" them). I may get more plants in the future if my present plants start growing. I'd hate to invest more money if my plants aren't going to do well. 
Plants will grow fine in sand.  You may need to add some liquid fertilizer.  Slow-growing plants like the Anubias and Java Fern may be fine with just the nutrients from water changes and fgish feeding, but other plants might need a supplement.  A complete liquid is usually sufficient, we can discuss brands if asked.
To the corys.  I will never buy any cory species that has not been in the fish store for at least one week, often two.  Corys are extremely sensitive fish to ammonia, and on top of this they do not travel well.  I have had stores tell me of receiving bags of dead corys.  They are easily stressed out just by being netted.  If the stress of all this is severe enough, they will even release a toxin from the base of the pectoral spine that kills themselves and other fish in the confines of a bag.  That is not what happened here, as this toxin is a white milky fluid and its effect is immediate.  But it shows how sensitive they can be.
Second, on the acclimating at home.  Never add the bag water to your aquarium, even if it is a quarantine.  There are likely all sorts of pathogens in the water, plus high ammonia, and you do not want any of this in your tanks.  Add the tank water to the bag, or do this in a pail by the drip method as someone else mentioned, and net the fish into the tank.  There is some difference of opinion as to what benefit if any acclimation has on fish.  I know of a local catfish importer who only equalizes the temperature, nothing more.  But I have always mixed the waters in the bag for a period of time (depends upon species) and so far have had no issues I can pinpoint to the acclimation.
That's good advice. :) As far as ferts.... is Leaf Zone ok? 
Here's some pics of the tank. It's pretty rough right now. I want to make sure the plants get enough lighting, so that's why I took some plastic plants out. The coryies don't seem to mind. :) 





Just a throw back, here's some of my green fry pics from a while ago. :) 


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