Breeding Pygmy Corys

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Yeah, that's always the bad part. :) That's why I'm trying pygmys so I'll have a bit more space to work with and can keep some fry here and there. :)
So you can use like sugar or red maple leaves? We have tons of those on our property!
DiddleBug said:
So you can use like sugar or red maple leaves? We have tons of those on our property!
I think I mentioned it initially, but will repeat...leaves have to be dry, meaning dead.  After they fall off the tree in the autumn, collect some and dry them.  You cannot use green leaves picked off the tree as they will contain sap that can cause issues.  If you still have dried leaves on the ground, they will be OK.
To something I missed earlier...corys will not eat snails, if I read that correctly back a few posts.  And certainly not Malaysian Livebearing Snails.  This species has what is commonly called a trap door, making it very hard for any fish to get the snail out of the shell.  Puffers are quite adept at this, but they just crush the shell.  But regardless of that, Corydoras habrosus will not eat snails that are alive.  Can't image where that came from...
Two pygmy corys are dead! :O :( I'm wondering if my bad mollies did it. :( I've taken my mollies out... please let the 5 survive!! 
Akasha72 said:
too young to breed just yet I'd say .. although it's always guess work how old they are when we get them. I think the average life span for cories is about 5 years ...can't see how pygmys would be any different.
Corys can live 15-20 years, in some cases even longer, the oldest pygmy corys I've heard of were Ian Fullers at 14 years
That's cool. :) The oldest cory i had was probably 4-5, an albino. One day I had the lid off and he jumped out without me knowing. :( 
Update: I moved the 2 strong filters out and put in the sponge filter. The corys love it! They are swimming around and one male seems to be showing courtship signs (he's a bit young for that, the lil' flirt). ;) 4 are doing very well and the one is weak. I'm pretty sure it was those mollies that did it. :/ I plan on getting a few more pygmys for the group tomorrow. 
A few things,
It's not polite to brag about your Pygmies. It is rare when they show up round here.
Good luck with the breeding.
As for the white spots on the equipment, sounds like mineral deposits. White vinegar works, or Bar Keepers Friend. It's a powdered form of the acid in the vinegar. Great for cleaning old tanks as well. One of those two and good ole elbow grease. Remember to rinse thoroughly though.
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that. :/ 
Ok, I'll have to try that. :)
Diddlebug ... Frapadoodle is joking ... you'll get used to him eventually lol. He's jealous of my panda cories cos he wants some and can't get any in his area so he's always telling me to quit bragging. He's just kidding - just his sense of humour :)
@Lilliefishy - 15 years? wow!! There was me thinking my peppered lot were getting old and watching for signs of old age and death. I can quit that now. It would be lovely to have them with me a while longer... especially my high fin male :)
As for the deaths Diddlebug, it could be that the filter was too strong, it could have been the shock of being moved, I doubt the young mollies would kill them but you never know with adding new fish. Some fish get territorial and any new comers arn't accepted well. 
Now, this is the important bit. Keep an eye on your water stats if you've switched off your filters as I doubt that sponge filter will be cycled. Are you able to keep the sponge running and run one the others that is cycled? You might be able to limit the flow if it's too strong ... are you able to turn it down or is the flow fixed? I have limited flow on a filter outlet by tying a pair of tights (or panty hose as you call them) around the outlet nozzle. I've heard of others limiting it by putting some fine filter wool over the end too. It's not good for the filter in the long term but on a short term basis it should be okay provided you don't over-do it.
Please check your water daily now for ammonia and nitrite and be ready to change some water if you see readings over zero. Cories are often sensitive to poor water conditions. I lost 2 panda cories to a very small ammonia spike after I over cleaned my filter and so I know some species of cory really can't handle it
Yes, DiddleBug, I am jealous. On the rare times I have seen pygmy varieties they were either already spoken for, or I didn't have tank space.

As for Akasha, I have three Pandas, saw two more a couple of weeks ago, but couldn't get them. And if she brags about her Pandas breeding again I won't speak to her for at least 30 seconds. Still jealous of her Peppered breeding. Out of 8, I have all males.
they were at it again a few nights ago Mr Doodle ... I might get another panda baby turning up in a few weeks 
Ok. Right now I have just one sponge filter, so it's the only one in there. I did squeeze my old filter's water our over it, so hopefully that helps. I'll do testing right away. 
All 4 are doing well and are having their breakfast! :) 

I'm not sure if you guys answered this already, but is this air pump strong enough for my 10g? Fusion 200 AC 120V 60Hz Max 1.5W

Ok, ammonia, 0, nitrite, 0.25. One small water change, coming up! :) 
Well the airpump says it is rated for 20 gallons, but not familiar with that brand.

Got an email from my LFS, they have Hasbrosus in, and I have a tank in need! Just have to find time to get there before they're gone.

Okay, Akasha, that's a full minute I am not speaking to you.

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