my parents gonna pick me up some wood and some mesh tomorrow, so when im off work i can make a good lid... i put the male in a 1/2 gallon container with a tight fit lid... i thought the current might stress him out in his 5g tank..
right now i put (drawing a blank) . . silver.. saran wrap.. WHAT IS IT CALLED
whatever.. you know what i mean lmao.. i have that over her 20g tank.. with 2 shoeboxes on both sides so she shouldnt be able to get out.. her tank has about 4 inches from top of tank, and she is very calm.. sits at the bottom amongst the plant, staring at me oddly..
do they like strong currents? when i thought they were pugs, bkk told me about strong currents.. if they dont like the current im gonna have to use the 5g filter in the 20g so they can chill... im gonna have to pick up some pots for their breeding tank, and im gonna get a few more live plants..
im gonna try 2 weekends from now to breed them.. this weekend im goign away, and microworms should be here thursday.. so by then i should have a new culture going so i can feed the babies.. doesnt daddy keep the fry in his mouth for 14 days after they hatch in his mouth anyways?
bah now i have to research falx..
i feel like im copying you.. first you got the croakers.. then i did
then you got the falx.. now i did..
but i dont get to go to a betta show
edit: omg hes in a foul mood.. he is completely brown-red, and spazzing .. i tapped the side of his roundish container, and he flew up the sides smacking the lid like 10x in a row.. i turned the light out and left him alone.. he is extremely pissed off lol... o man.. this is baaaaad