Breeding my mollies


Apr 28, 2004
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Hesperia, Ca USA
I was just curious. I was reading in another forum that for mollies to breed the need at least 5 gal. or water per fish. Is that right? I have 3 female mollies and 1 swordtail male.

But I want to breed my mollies so i was thinking of getting 1 male to my 3 female which would make a good ration of 3:1 but would they sucessfully breed all in a 10 gal. tank?

Thanks ;)
I'm sure they would,but it'll be WAY too small for them all. It'll be allright temporarily,but I'd get at LEAST a 20 gallon quick. Mollies can get about 3 inches or a little over apiece.
yea, my plan is to get a 20 gal, but it is hard for me because i am broke right now since i have been spending my money on all this other stuff that i didnt know i needed to keep fish being kinda new.
Molly s need a 15 gal and biggert o breed......5 gal is way too small

yeh fish keeping is expensive...........the easiest way is to start off small.. like a 2 foot or 18 inch.........with a few livebearers......then save up fo a bigger tank for bigger fish......then wen ur redy and u have enuff money u can start with a marine tank....and sdo the stages agen with marine.
keep in mind they dont get to be 3-4 inches THAT fast..... try some balloon mollies maybe, they dont get huge
I have some younger Mollies in a 10 gallon breeder. My last batch they had 73 at last count. Make sure you have it well planted and good filtration and read what you can on breeding mollies. Also, when mine get old enough to be on their own, I move them to a larger grow out tank. Angel

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