Breeding In A 120 Gallon


Mostly New Member
Mar 11, 2014
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Hi, new here.

I have a 120 gallon tank fish tank, currently empty. I'm not new to fish, but I have never attempted to breed anything before.

I read a lot about breeding pairs of angel fish or small groups of plecos in 20-50 gallon tanks, but not much about 120s.

I'm wondering if there are any fish anyone can think of that could successfully breed in a 1 species 120 gallon tank in groups?

I am not interested in having to set up several more tanks although I do have spare tanks if needed. I'd like to find a breeding pair of something substantial in size or find a fish that can breed in a filled out 1 species tank. Not sure if angel fish will breed with many adult fish in 1 tank. I think this can be done with certain Plecos?

I'm open to anything except live bearers. Not trying to make a profit here, but being able to sell whatever I get for at least a buck a piece would be nice. Willing to spend up to 1 grand on initial stocking.
And is there any reason I can't have some moss on the bottom, and then about 10 inches up from
the bottom run across a screen that will allow eggs pass through, without letting fish pass through? And then get about 20 egg scatterers like celestrial pearl danios and let them have at it?

Have 1 hole in the screen which i can keep plugged and then unplug it to force food down to them through a tube?

A unique danio such as that would sell fast at a lfs if one of the 5 around me will take them even if its for free, and then I get to enjoy a nice schooling tank and create a school for my 90 gallon community tank.

Anyone see any problems with this plan, or have any other interesting schooling egg scatterer fish ideas for me to try this with?

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