Breeding Guppies


Fish Fanatic
Jan 24, 2006
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I'am breeding guppies. I have $150 to spend on what I need. Also I have a pet store that said they will buy the baby guppies for $2 ea after they are 3 months old.

Plz Help. thanks in advance.
What do you need help with? :) That set-up seems good to me.

Try reading the pinned topics and the ones in the FAQ at the top of the main forum page. After that, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I'm just not sure what you need help with right now? :unsure:
I need to know what tanks I should start off with I have a sponge filter and a heater I through everything else out.
I'd start with a 10-20g for the adults. Depending on which size you choose, you could go with just a trio so you could have room for babies, or 2 trios. I'd also recommend a fry tank, around 5-10g. You can use the sponge filter for that, however I'd get a stronger one for the adult tank. You'd also need a heater for both tanks, plants, decorations, and substrate (Maybe just for the main one, if you're trying to stay within your range). :)
Nah I wont a fry one aswell would you be able to put it in Litres seeing as I'm aussie and dont understand galleons.
For the main, 39-75L is normal, but bigger would also work. For fry tank, 19-39L is average.
Thanks. Annastasia are you the person who wrote about that guy who use to have his whole garage full of fish tanks full of guppies? Who use to be able to tell if the fish was going to be a male or female when they grew up.
Thanks. Annastasia are you the person who wrote about that guy who use to have his whole garage full of fish tanks full of guppies? Who use to be able to tell if the fish was going to be a male or female when they grew up.

No, I don't recall saying anything about a guy with fish tanks in his garage... :huh:

I can tell what sex the fry are going to be pretty early on though, and anyone can tell when they are grown. Males have a pointy anal fin, females have a fan-shaped one. :)
Breeding guppies? Here's my guide:
Get a bucket, fill it with warm water, throw in a male and female, sit and wait! :)

My Mum has a tank with Guppies, it's small and not well maintained, but the guppies keep breeding. They're from stock I had when I lived there, with additions from other people when they closed down their tanks. I moved out 13 years ago.

I'm sure you will enjoy the process.
Annastacia - Ok then this was 4 months back must have been someone else.

CEB - Lmao. Nice guide wow my tanks will be maintained Im having 8 females and 2 males so I will have alot of fry.

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