Breeding Gubbies!

so youve been a member for less than a day and you expect us to believe someone hacked your account and changed your name? :hyper:
hi every1! Im new to the hole breeding fish thing, ive decideed im going to breed gubbies does amybody have any tips for me! e.g do i put 1 or 2 males in with the female gubby. Thankyou every1. :good:
whats a gubby ?
hi every1! Im new to the hole breeding fish thing, ive decideed im going to breed gubbies does amybody have any tips for me! e.g do i put 1 or 2 males in with the female gubby. Thankyou every1. :good:
whats a gubby ?


What, no one here has ever heard of the rare gubby, Hahahicus justajokekicus?

Seriously? :huh:

This guy comes here looking for advice on starting a captive breeding program to help these endangered beauties and he gets shot down and called a troll. Wonderful way to encourage a budding enviromentalist.

This rare H.justajokekicus
seems to hav been imported from
Madeupistan for a while during the late 70's.
Since then two subspecies have been discoverd.
H. justajokekicus Arewekiddingii and H.justajokekicus Lotsoflaughius

All three species live along the notfakeii River in madeupistan.
Depending on the area depends on the species.

H.justajokekicus is a small florecent pink fish with small
protrusions from its head similar to a unicorns horn. Females Lack the

H. justajokekicus Arewekiddingii is a 7-8 inch fish sporting lime green
stripes with a neon blue background. Unlike it reletives it laks the horn
but instead has a mane of tenticles coming from its head.

and finally H.justajokekicus Lotsoflaughius is the giant of the genus.
Reaching 16 inches. This creature is very similar to a chameleon,
as it can change its colours to suit its surroundings. Sporting both the horn and the
mane of tenticles this is a dangerous fish.

These fish only breed in a full moon, what happens is the moonlight stimulates
Breeding behaviour. Try growing your own moon with Moon-a-grow formula usually sold at pets at home.

these fish have only 2 fry, hence there endangered status.

I hope this helped.
No seriously, ####....... to answer your question, Gubbies are a very good choice for a beginner (like you) Just get yourself at least 1 male and (I'd say) 3 females..... Provide plenty hiding place for the fry (floating plants) feed at them little bit twice per day and things will happen. (keep your water temp round 26/27 deg C)

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