Breeding For More Peaceful Temperment

Lol very much so! I plan on breeding come summer, so, I can use those two instead of the crowns I was planning. I'll use a nice HM female as well

Then there should be some wonderful fry :good:
Once my current 2 batches have grown up and gone, I'll be breeding my PK male again but with a nicer female this time so we shall see.
Can't wait to see the outcome, buttery to breed him with a peaceful female, or a wild one?

A calm captive bred female. I have 1 at the minute but I'm getting some more so I shall see what personalities I get from them.
I introduced my last lot of Betta fry to Live bearer fry at a month old, I must say my male is not bothered by them 1 bit, bright orange platies, male guppies!
I introduced my last lot of Betta fry to Live bearer fry at a month old, I must say my male is not bothered by them 1 bit, bright orange platies, male guppies!

That is quite surprising and something to be proud of :good:
Also another young male *a day older than mine* got in with him through the divider and to be honest he wasn't fussed 1 bit! Of course I did separate them as soon as i saw them together
Also another young male *a day older than mine* got in with him through the divider and to be honest he wasn't fussed 1 bit! Of course I did separate them as soon as i saw them together

Really?????? :blink:
Wow, :good:
I have to withdraw my offer of breeding, Elan just passed away tonight. Sometime in the past 4 hours to be exact...
Depending on how Bob's attitude changes now that he's no longer got a betta on both sides, may try him... Ima miss Elan

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