Breeding For More Peaceful Temperment

But if we want peaceful bettas :hyper: :hyper:
Then we need to keep on breeding the calmer ones over and over again until the aggressiveness is bred out of them( might take years :crazy: )
But in the end is worth it
Anyway you can keep wild bettas together in tanks but not captive ones so why not breed a wild with a captive?

Because even captive bred females would easily kill a fully wild male
But if we want peaceful bettas :hyper: :hyper:
Then we need to keep on breeding the calmer ones over and over again until the aggressiveness is bred out of them( might take years :crazy: )
But in the end is worth it
Anyway you can keep wild bettas together in tanks but not captive ones so why not breed a wild with a captive?

Because even captive bred females would easily kill a fully wild male

Depends on the type of personality, in doing this it is mostly trail and error
I wonder if a wild female would be better for breeding with a "domestic" male, that way he hopefully will already be of a calmer linage and the female should already be fairly peaceful. Then it would be a waiting game to see which of the fry show aggression and need to be removed from future breeding plans and only breed from the peaceful seeming ones. I dont know which line breeding would be a better option to follow, ie the female offspring back to the father, the males back to their mother or out cross them back to either another docile "domestic" fighter or back again to an unrelated totally wild type Betta.

So many choices, but certianly a worthy endevour.
For sure if someone were to make a betta that is able to be social with other bettas it will be a miracle :hyper:
Like you said Baccus, any aggresice fry should be removed and the others kept.
The most peaceful fry should be bred together, or breed with the most peaceful parent, and so on until the aggresivness is gone. :good:
My betta boy is insanely calm. He doesn't flare to a mirror or pictures (I don't have another betta to test this with, though), and when I come up to his tank, he'll hide between his plants looking at me, but if I move, he'll go back a bit! I'd never heard of a shy Betta :p
My betta boy is insanely calm. He doesn't flare to a mirror or pictures (I don't have another betta to test this with, though), and when I come up to his tank, he'll hide between his plants looking at me, but if I move, he'll go back a bit! I'd never heard of a shy Betta :p

Maybe we will use your betta in this project :good: ( if you don't mind)
My betta boy is insanely calm. He doesn't flare to a mirror or pictures (I don't have another betta to test this with, though), and when I come up to his tank, he'll hide between his plants looking at me, but if I move, he'll go back a bit! I'd never heard of a shy Betta :p

Maybe we will use your betta in this project :good: ( if you don't mind)

If I'm able to get any more! My dad doesn't want me having anymore animals right now. Though, I did just add 5 new shrimp and my poor betta is afraid of them!
My PK male used to be aggressive to anything he saw, especially his reflection but since I've bred him he won't even flare at that! I'm quite surprised at him as he does live with a small female temporarily and he doesn't even take notice of her. Granted they are in a 3ft tank with other fish to distract them but before they were in gallon tall tank and still he left her alone.
My PK male used to be aggressive to anything he saw, especially his reflection but since I've bred him he won't even flare at that! I'm quite surprised at him as he does live with a small female temporarily and he doesn't even take notice of her. Granted they are in a 3ft tank with other fish to distract them but before they were in gallon tall tank and still he left her alone.

The more bettas the merrier! :rolleyes:
My PK male used to be aggressive to anything he saw, especially his reflection but since I've bred him he won't even flare at that! I'm quite surprised at him as he does live with a small female temporarily and he doesn't even take notice of her. Granted they are in a 3ft tank with other fish to distract them but before they were in 15 gallon tall tank and still he left her alone.

The more bettas the merrier! :rolleyes:

That was meant to say in a 15 Gallon tank, :lol:

I don't mind if I have to breed him for scientific research.
My bettas are open for this! My delta male, Elan, is the calmest, so, I'll probably use him! Just gotta pick a girl. So, I'm a willing part of this project lol
My PK male used to be aggressive to anything he saw, especially his reflection but since I've bred him he won't even flare at that! I'm quite surprised at him as he does live with a small female temporarily and he doesn't even take notice of her. Granted they are in a 3ft tank with other fish to distract them but before they were in 15 gallon tall tank and still he left her alone.

The more bettas the merrier! :rolleyes:

That was meant to say in a 15 Gallon tank, :lol:

I don't mind if I have to breed him for scientific research.

My bettas are open for this! My delta male, Elan, is the calmest, so, I'll probably use him! Just gotta pick a girl. So, I'm a willing part of this project lol

lol we could all be the group to breed peaceful bettas,
thing is, i live in Ottawa, Ontario
So it will be quite the trip
Lol very much so! I plan on breeding come summer, so, I can use those two instead of the crowns I was planning. I'll use a nice HM female as well
Once my current 2 batches have grown up and gone, I'll be breeding my PK male again but with a nicer female this time so we shall see.
Lol very much so! I plan on breeding come summer, so, I can use those two instead of the crowns I was planning. I'll use a nice HM female as well

Then there should be some wonderful fry :good:
Once my current 2 batches have grown up and gone, I'll be breeding my PK male again but with a nicer female this time so we shall see.
Can't wait to see the outcome, buttery to breed him with a peaceful female, or a wild one?

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