Breeding Experience


New Member
Jun 4, 2012
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I started my love affair with cory's a few years ago with some emeralds and albinos. These guys were just what i wanted and needed for a lot of reasons. What is most impressive is their ability to survive. Long story short I had a substrate of large gravel that enabled eggs to be free from predation and hatch. nd wow do they hatch. By the time I got around to sizing down my gravel I had 48 fish in a 55 gal tank. So now there is enough predation on the eggs that they dont get to hatch. I thought. It seems that one or more of the eggs laid on the intake tube of the filter. (filstar x2) got into the filter or a safe recess and wound up being discovered at about a one week growth stage when I broke down the filter to clean it. I have had this happen a few times before but always chalked it up to fry entering the intake. Still it is pretty darn special i think. The distinctive point with this episode is the possibility that an egg was disturbed during foraging action by fish and entered as an egg to be born in the recesses of the dark filter. Its out in the tank now thriving and looks as if it will flourish. I am sure that this has happened before but still to me, is pretty cool. Any other examples?
Long time no answer, but it's a lovely story. I love corys too.

I can barely manage to get the eggs hatched and have raised one cory fry in a year time :lol:

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