I think I found the fry! I cant get a good picture though, my iPad’s camera won’t focus!Looking great, hope to see more fry pics soon...
I think I found the fry! I cant get a good picture though, my iPad’s camera won’t focus!Looking great, hope to see more fry pics soon...
They can, yes...nice that you found him/herQuestion! Will the Cory fry rest on the side of the glass? Like it looks like how a pleco holds onto the glass
PHEW, I was afraid the new plants introduced some weird bug! I am sooooooo excited! It is so cuteThey can, yes...nice that you found him/her
Depending on the snail, they shouldn't, but if I were you, I'd cull them as I see them, before they get out of hand...still, there may be eggs that haven't hatched yetThe plants DID introduce pond snails unfortunately, But I don’t mind too much, as long as they don’t eat my plants!
I am going to set up a little jar for them, hopefully I can get a pea puffer someday haha
Oooo ok. I do not know why I didn’t see this yesterday! I only see one great big one right now. I accidentally squished one in the bag the plants came in. I went to pinch it with my fingers, to hold it still while I reached in to grab it, but it just..... smashed.I would leave them in the tank for now. The common small snails like pond, bladder, or Malaysian Livebearing are harmless to plants, and a great cleaning crew in any tank. They will reproduce if food is available, and this does not mean special food--they eat organics like dead plant matter, fish excrement, etc, so the snail population is directly relevant to the food available, and you might be surprised how much there is for them--and their usefulness in eating this to brteak it down faster for use by bacteria or plants. Useful helpmates.
It's fine, just don't vacuum any of them up, lol...and be gentle when refilling the tankI planned on doing a water change this morning, is it safe with the fry in there or should I wait?
Ah ok! I am thinking about just holding a cup or jug under my filter so that the water spills into that, so I KNOW I won’t accidentally get anyIt's fine, just don't vacuum any of them up, lol...and be gentle when refilling the tank