Breeding Cory Tips


Fish Herder
Oct 31, 2005
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Ive bought 14 bronze corys from ebay last week as for s breedin project any tips to get them started had them for a week now
which seller did u get them from
been looking for some
Feed them up on good food. Bloodworms, et cetera.
Keep water spot on.
Some folks have success doing large water changes with slightly cooler water.
Mine have a go after a cold front moves through.
Main thing, if they are fat and happy they'll breed.
May take a couple of tries to get it right though.
Got them off jims discus , the females look nice a fat atm , ill have to get them bloodworms ,
Good advice from frapadoodle. Mine would generally lay eggs with each cool water change. My only problem is getting them to hatch. The couple of batches I had success with had laid their eggs on my Amazon sword, and I just took the whole leaf and put it in my fry tank in a net suspended over an airstone. I've never had success scraping the eggs off the glass, although I have a clutch of eggs scraped off the glass that are in a net over the filter outflow now. We'll see what happens.
Any suggestions from experienced cory midwives out there? 
Spouse, have you had any problems with the eggs getting fungus?
How many spawns have you had?
It took mine a few times to get it right. First the eggs were eaten as soon as they were laid. Next came a few spawns with unfertilized eggs. But I am no expert, and was not trying to breed, just happy they were happy enough to do so.
From all I have gathered about getting the eggs to hatch, good flow and spot on water.
Keeping all the wrigglers alive is another story.
They'll get fungus if they've been around for a week or more, but I'm guessing that's because they were never fertilized? Many times they're eaten before I even know they're there. As I said, the only successful batch I ever raised were from eggs laid on the leaves, and I think that's because they were never disturbed. I just plucked the leaf and put it right in the fry tank. Those babies are now 15 months old! Those are bronze cory, and the ones I'm trying to get to reproduce are peppers. Guess I'll see how things go in the net for now.
Question: When are the eggs fertilized?
Word of advise...
Make sure you can sell / Give then away before they get too big for your tank...  Speaking from experience, if you are selling them, put the advert up / Start phoning LFS after the fry are 5 weeks old... Gives you a 3-4 weeks to sell before they start to grow Big...
Its not easy to shift 70+ Cory.
Ive had no trouble shiftin over 200 firemouth ,
Advert has been up for a week (Ish) an no interest :( 
Going to be giving them to the LFS if I cant shift them lol
Also tank mates , currently in with them is about a dozen cherry shrimps , 2 blue apple snails couple of guppy/swordtail fry and a small male bn , will any of them be a problem
Watch the guppy & swordtail fry with eggs & fry, it fits in their mouths they'll eat it.
Bronze corys are easy to breed, good food,  & cool water changes will usually start them off.
Liv e food such as bloodworms if you can get will also get them in the mood
The eggs are fertilized when the female sticks them to leaves, glass, et cetera. As the female clamps on to the male in the T position she ingests the sperm in a special digestive tract. It passes through and onto the eggs. If they have not turned brown in a couple of days, they are not fertile.
Good luck with the peppers.
Cherry shrimp are great for cleaning the eggs & getting rid of any unfertilised ones, they won't harm the good ones
Lilfishy said:
Cherry shrimp are great for cleaning the eggs & getting rid of any unfertilised ones, they won't harm the good ones
Really? And here I was chasing them away!
They have indeed turned brown (I thought I remembered this was how it's done) so I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for wrigglers!  

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