Breeding Captive Tetras A Myth?


New Member
Jan 22, 2012
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Hi there
i have another post about breeding tetras in a tank and have been up all night on other forums to find out information
a lot of ppl have told me that you cannot breed tetras in a tank and anyone who says you can is talking rubbish
so im challanging anyone here to 100% prove that it can be done i have been trying for almost 2 years to get any tetra to breed and to date has not happened
cause right now i believe it cannot be done in captivity as fish farms are still exporting millions of tetras a year so if they were able to be bred in a tank why do they still export so many?
so lets see if anyone can actually prove they bred them...cause up till today i thought it could be done but now i know it cant
Hello there.

My Diamond Tetras have bred a couple of times, as I never expected them to breed I didn't have a fry tank so they had to take their chances in the java moss. I have 1 of the first lot who is now almost fully grown so from five I now have six. There was a second batch but all of those got munched I guess. I have read that Diamonds can be quite prolific breeders in captivity. I don't think my cardinals or neons have ever spawned although I have seen them exhibiting mating behaviour.
Of course they can lolo.where do you think things like longfinned black widowed tetras comew from

google "breeding glowlight tetras" in the right tank you cant stop them breeding

i bet theres a journal on the site somewhere where someones bred a charicin of some kind :good:
Of course they can lolo.where do you think things like longfinned black widowed tetras comew from

google "breeding glowlight tetras" in the right tank you cant stop them breeding

i bet theres a journal on the site somewhere where someones bred a charicin of some kind :good:
thanks for the replies but still doesnt give me proof im still at the its not possible unless u work at NASA

top link is a thread vfrom this site showing a pregnant rummynose tetra and the bottom link are 2 day old lowlight tetra fry.

hope this is proof enough.

Dont give up you will breed them eventually :good:
it will depend on the exact species as to how difficult they are to breed in captivity - even the common neon is quite a tricky species to breed, mainly due to their eggs sensitivity to UV light.

What exact species have you been trying to breed and what method have you been following?
Many tetras are quite easy to breed... given the right conditions. I have bred numerous species - all in tanks. The reason fish farms export so many is simply economics, negligible production costs being important.

<editited> spelling of negligible is not negligable
my neon tetras JUST! bred in my 30 gl breeder tank 24 hours and i hope i get some fry >.<
i had glowlights and penquins spawning all the time, just their eggs got eaten almost as quick as they were being laid by the other inhabitants.

also this months pfk has a big article on breeding tetra.
Fairly sure Ludwig has bred tetras as well as Lateral Line :good: I've had silvertip tetras scattering eggs multiple times, but none of them ever survive because tetra eggs are usually light sensitive.
I've seen penguin tetras breed with my own eyes. It's no myth, tetras DO tank breed. Some species are more difficult than others. I heard that harlequin rasboras have never been bred in captivity either until they bred in my tank. :yahoo: But try to get someone to believe it who has their heart set on not believing it.

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