Breeding Bristlenoses


Fish Crazy
Nov 26, 2004
Reaction score
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Ok so after posting in the buy and sell section i wanted a pair been out for work to Polhill garden centre and stumbled upon Maidenhead aquatics ! Great shop never seen so many fish so bought 2 big albino bristlenoses (never seen any so big !) a male and female have acclimitised into a 400l tank. They have a large sailfin in with them is this ok for breeding, he is too big to get in the caves or anything ?? have bought a load of bogwood and was wondering what to do now !! Having read i understand a cool water change, how cool and how much in a tank that size???
You may find bristlies will breed without any help, just as long as they have a cave they like. From what I can gather they are not too fussy.
As indigoj said - normally they will sort themselves out.

You might need to coax them a bit by feeding them up for a couple of weeks on bloodworm then doing a big cold water change :)

If your looking for a cave let me know - I make them and use them for breeding BN, and other plecs ;)
okey doke they have been munching on bloodworm already ! the cave sounds good but my sailfin is about a foot long and has actually knocked over my slate creation and made it sort of a sand covered hole the female is chilling out in and he is in a hole under a large holey piece of rock !

here is the male:


and the female:


never seen such big bristlies !
thank you i fell in love with him, they are both really active, i left the light off today to give them time to settle in !
ha ha i like them !! my nephew who is 9 said he was the most disgusring fish i ever had but he is lovely! he is diggin out extending a hole under a bit of slate but is really active and not timid at all !!
OK so the male has fanned out the sand from a propped up piece of slate and is in there alot of the time and sort of fanning his fins but i cant see any eggs ?? he also leaves the cave from time to time, is this fanning normal??

oooh thats good they have been in less than a week ! gave them a forzen bloodworm cube and they have absolutely no interest in it yet !!
give them time to relise what it is as they problys never had it before once they do they will love it

cheers Dane

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