Breeding Bristlenose Pleco


New Member
May 8, 2010
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Hello I have just got a new tank which I want to use as a breeding tank after the fishless cycle has finished.
I have a male and female BN in my Rio180 and I would like and have a go at trying to breed them

How do I start them to spawn?
The breeding tank is a 60x30x30cm 54L (12gallons Uk 14 gallons Us)is that big enough?
My tap water ph is 7.6 Would that be Ok for breeding?
What will I need in the tank other than a cave? (Would a coconut shell be ok for a cave? If not what do you think?)

What other things should I know before I try to start breeding?

Thanks for any help you can give me.
hey to breed bristle nose plecs u need a tank/small gravel/or none/heater/sponge filter/cave resin one from a lfs or a coconut shell i dont see why not

your tank size is fine your ph is fine i would think anyway and all you do know is wait till the action happens may be 2-3weeks before the eggs are laid but im sure you can wait

feed the babys cucumber,algae or algae waffers,and anything else that they eat

hope i have helped any way what king of bristle noses have you got common bristnose or albino

reply soon jordan.
I'd suggest giving the fish a selection of different caves/hiding places as this will make them feel more secure and allow them to pick the one they like best.
The males sometimes like to move the fry from one cave to another as well :)
A few plants might help them feel happier too.
Thanks a lot for your replies

I have got the common bristlenose plecos.
oh nice im looking forward to when mine and yours hatch lol keep posting and updating for me


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