Breeding angelfish


New Member
Feb 16, 2022
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South carolina
I built a 550 gallon aquarium and want to breed angelfish can I put more than 1 pair in the aquarium for breeding let's say 3 pair will they breed
What are the dimensions? In my 120 one pair can breed and protect the frys till they are free swimming but after that they get lost among the other fish and eaten. With 2 pairs the other angels will swim by and eat as many eggs as possible while the female is distracted. I imagine in a 12 ft x 4ft aquarium you could probably get away with 3 pairs but you will still need to remove the frys once they are free swimming unless there are no other fishes.
What are the dimensions? In my 120 one pair can breed and protect the frys till they are free swimming but after that they get lost among the other fish and eaten. With 2 pairs the other angels will swim by and eat as many eggs as possible while the female is distracted. I imagine in a 12 ft x 4ft aquarium you could probably get away with 3 pairs but you will still need to remove the frys once they are free swimming unless there are no other fishes.
if the tank is deep that might be a problem
I have a 75 gallon tank that has had two breeding pairs in it at one time. They are from the same batch and the aggression is not very high, ie they will chase each other from time to time but there is no contact between them, and all the angels will group together often as well. This was not the case when I had angels from different sources in the same tank.

I haven't been able to raise fry in the 75 gallon, they hardly get to the wiggler stage before one fish distracts the parents and the rest eat the eggs and or fry. The parents keep the other fish off the eggs for a bit then once one fish starts to eat the eggs the parents give up. I have only been able to raise fry in a separate tank where the fry and parents are the only fish in the tank.

With 6 times the volume the Angels might be able to defend the location they breed in, so it might work but I wouldn't bet on it.

550 gallon tank with a shoal of angels would be real nice. It wouldn't be that much extra work to have a 40 gallon breeder type tank running at the same time if you want to grow out some fry. I did this with a 37 gallon tank and raised three batches of angel fry last year, with their parents. The next issue is what do you do with the juvenile angels?
What are the dimensions? In my 120 one pair can breed and protect the frys till they are free swimming but after that they get lost among the other fish and eaten. With 2 pairs the other angels will swim by and eat as many eggs as possible while the female is distracted. I imagine in a 12 ft x 4ft aquarium you could probably get away with 3 pairs but you will still need to remove the frys once they are free swimming unless there are no other fishes.
What are the dimensions? In my 120 one pair can breed and protect the frys till they are free swimming but after that they get lost among the other fish and eaten. With 2 pairs the other angels will swim by and eat as many eggs as possible while the female is distracted. I imagine in a 12 ft x 4ft aquarium you could probably get away with 3 pairs but you will still need to remove the frys once they are free swimming unless there are no other fishes.
I have a 75 gallon tank that has had two breeding pairs in it at one time. They are from the same batch and the aggression is not very high, ie they will chase each other from time to time but there is no contact between them, and all the angels will group together often as well. This was not the case when I had angels from different sources in the same tank.

I haven't been able to raise fry in the 75 gallon, they hardly get to the wiggler stage before one fish distracts the parents and the rest eat the eggs and or fry. The parents keep the other fish off the eggs for a bit then once one fish starts to eat the eggs the parents give up. I have only been able to raise fry in a separate tank where the fry and parents are the only fish in the tank.

With 6 times the volume the Angels might be able to defend the location they breed in, so it might work but I wouldn't bet on it.

550 gallon tank with a shoal of angels would be real nice. It wouldn't be that much extra work to have a 40 gallon breeder type tank running at the same time if you want to grow out some fry. I did this with a 37 gallon tank and raised three batches of angel fry last year, with their parents. The next issue is what do you do with the juvenile angels?
You should be able to get 3 or 4 prs breeding in that tank. At the very least buy 10-15 fish and grow them up. Then move the prs into smaller tanks so they are on their own for breeding purposes.
Do you want to be an Angelfish breeder or do you want to have a pair of Angels spawn for fun? If you want to be a breeder you can use that tank as a "pair up" tank. Get 10 or 12 Angels (or more, figure up to 1 Angel per 10 gallons) and put them in there. When they pair up take each pair out and put them in their own 29 or 40 breeder tanks. Get several smaller tanks for small fry. Then they will need a grow-out tank or two. When they get to be 6-7 monthe old they can go back into the pair up tank and start the cycle over again. If you just want to have some breed put 6 or 8 in there with some plants and driftwood and let them go. There will be some that spawn and you might get a few fry to survive.
I have a 75 gallon tank that has had two breeding pairs in it at one time. They are from the same batch and the aggression is not very high, ie they will chase each other from time to time but there is no contact between them, and all the angels will group together often as well. This was not the case when I had angels from different sources in the same tank.

I haven't been able to raise fry in the 75 gallon, they hardly get to the wiggler stage before one fish distracts the parents and the rest eat the eggs and or fry. The parents keep the other fish off the eggs for a bit then once one fish starts to eat the eggs the parents give up. I have only been able to raise fry in a separate tank where the fry and parents are the only fish in the tank.

With 6 times the volume the Angels might be able to defend the location they breed in, so it might work but I wouldn't bet on it.

550 gallon tank with a shoal of angels would be real nice. It wouldn't be that much extra work to have a 40 gallon breeder type tank running at the same time if you want to grow out some fry. I did this with a 37 gallon tank and raised three batches of angel fry last year, with their parents. The next issue is what do you do with the juvenile angels?
I'll have another I suppose I can put in on stand by to put the paired ones together
With multiple pairs (which is fine in a large tank with lots of cover) I think if I was serious about breeding them, I would remove fertilized eggs into a hatchery aquarium.... a single pair of angels in a tank by themselves (NOT a community tank, or multiple pairs), may learn to raise their fry...Although it may take a few broods to get there. In a tank with other fish, the eggs, wigglers, or free swimming fry are just FOOD. And fry are delicious snacks! :)

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