Breeding Acf Diary

thank you!!! It is killing me to put off any more breeding for the time being, until June probably - getting married in 3 months, I wouldn't be able to leave tadpoles/newly morphed froglets with someone who wasn't familiar with their care.

I think my next batch will be x.borealis. So far I have only bred x.laevis (common ACF, the ones you see as albino and natural/marbled in stores)

x borealis is gorgeous - gray bodies with a bluish sheen in certain lights with spotting, with yellow tummies with gray/purple spots. :wub: and they are smaller than standard ACF so you can keep more in smaller capacities. a pair in 10 gallons works great!

Pictures of X.Borealis (you can see why I want to breed them!!!) My Female is Aurora and my Male is Boris





as for the second batch of babies - -here is are a couple pictures that I absolutely adore



picture 1: adult natural/marbled male and an adult albino female next to some newly morphed froglets. Ruler is in inches

picture 2: mmmm bloodworms!!!

picture 3: relaxing in some water wisteria

picture 4: over view of some froglets
Due to an error on my photobucket account, my pictures have been replaced by the image "Deleted from photobucket"

Will be working to fix this!
Well,I had just set up two tanks, planning on raising two batches at once...when I get a call from my mother in law.

Get ready to laugh - -

a couple days ago my mother in laws acf laid eggs. She wasn't looking to raise them...and she thought she had wiped away all the eggs. Today I went by to do her water change and low and be hold she has tadpoles!

32-40 in all...couldn't get an accurate count because they wouldn't stay still.

We sat for two hours catching them one by one with a turkey baster. My mother in law only has the one tank with the adults, so I took them home and have them in one of the tanks I had just set up for my breedings next week.

Funny how things work out, huh? I have a poll up right now in another thread for you guys to help me choose which pairs of mine to breed!

This batch of tadpoles had a natural/pied/marbled father and a reticulated albino mother. There are some dark tadpoles but mostly white tadpoles with black eyes - these will be either reticulated albinos (most likely) or leucistic albinos (less likely but possible). I will be only doing one mating of my own for the time being while I raise this batch for Barbara (mom in law)

This thread will be used to track their development - I am just hoping they survive the transition between tanks and different water.



nervous....really hope they adjust ok...

two hours of catching them with a turkey baster, then driving home with them in a tupperware container, then having to take the time to float their tupperware in the new tank to make the temps match....

I am praying this wasn't too much stress and change for them...
just checked on the tadpoles....most if not all seem to have survived the transition between tanks!

Didn't take any new pictures yet because the tank is in the bedroom, and its 5am and the husband is sleeping lol

Off to work and then my little sisters bday party - then I will come home and take some new pictures
day two photos





Day 3

Free swimming!!!!



Day 5....growing! My camera is picking them up much easier now

sorry for messy bottom, pictures taken right before water change



This batch seems to be doing well in it's first week (not an easy week for tadpoles)

I am conditioning my female Jade (natural/marbled/pied) to be mated with my male Magellan (golden reticulated albino) sometime this next week. Keep tuned to see the development on both batches of tadpoles

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