Breeding Acf Diary

ugh so upset - - my heater went on the fritz last night :( fried all of my wigglers

from the looks of it I had about 200....

Going out today for a new heater and will try again
This topic is fantastic :good: It's amazing how quickly they developed!

Sorry to hear about the heater- good luck with the next lot :) I'll definitely be checking back to see how you go :D
thanks - - Due to the heater incident it made me give the tanks a look over

I am looking for a battery operated motor to have before doing another batch - - with winter coming, I do not want to risk having a power loss and having tadpoles go with out heat or an aerator - - it would mean death with in a few hours...

so now I am just waiting for my bonus to come in so I can spend it on a few upgrades :good:

hopefully by the spring I will also be able to mate my reticulated albinos together!!! :hyper: they are both only about 7 months old now, need a bit more time before they can breed.

I now have 6 morphed babies who I am going to be trying to home starting next week or so (don't want to let them go!!!) :wub:
If any one in the US is interested, let me know!!!! Maybe next week I will post in the For Sale section. I would love to know who gets them so I can see them grow
here is a pretty good picture of my babies.

at the top right you can see the albino

oh no worries!! I will keep a log of my next few batches too!!! each one will probably be a little different....

I feel as though I did something odd, but good, with this batch! Everyone I read and after speaking to breeders, I was told that they should fully morph between 8-12 weeks...

all my babies have morphed, and they are 10 days from being 2 months old!!! :hyper: so I must have figured out a great food regiment or something, but mine seem to have morphed very fast!!!
Your "albino" has too much color to be an albino and no red eyes, it's Leucistic. LEUSITIC: These frogs are characterized by having blue eyes. Their bodies can be very pale white or have some form of diluted pigmented color. These frogs are equally as rare. (keep him he is harder to find than albinos!) They are NOT a form of albinism.

This is a true albino, note the white color and red eyes.

This is Leucistic-
true, but considering how recently he morphed, he still is developing his "frog" appearance - - all the froglets have the black eyes...they are still "tadpole eyes" - his color is lightening up everyday and he was the last of the group to morph so I will take another picture of him in a few days to see if there is a noticeable change :good:

I have a new batch of tadpoles - -
I had Phantom and Phoenix in a breeding tank for about 10 days...and nothing. Phantom was latched onto her the whole time but she wasn't laying....then Monday night they finally laid - - I didn't have high hopes due to the fact that Phantom had probably been trying to fertilize the whole time ...

sure enough, the eggs looked unfertilized but I decided to give them some time...

sure enough - - I have a couple little tadpoles swimming around!!! we go again!!!
finally have a working camera so I can take pictures!!!

two weeks and 3 days old! a small batch, but any acf is better than none!

and just like the last batch, I have some "light" tadpoles and some "dark" tadpoles....the "dark" tadpoles from the last batch ended up being natural/marbled like their daddy and the "light" tadpoles ended up being reticulated albinos....lets see what they become this time!!!




oops yea I have been bad about updating this thread - - babies are morphing into little frogs now, I have another thread on here under the Amphibian section titled Itty Bitty ACF Babies - - that is a video and pictures of this second batch in all different stages of morphing :good:

( I have barely been on the forums like I used to be - - Working a new shift and getting down to just a few months until my wedding!)
Thanks Tigerjack!!! This second batch came out great too - - I am putting breeding on hold until june (getting married in may and can't expect who ever takes care of the cats and my tank to have to take care of tadpoles/newly morphing frogs too while i am on the honeymoon!!)

Come june I may be breeding my xenopus borealis frogs - -that is something I am absolutely dying to do!!!

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