Box's Marine Kingdom

Little update!!
Picked up power head from po :)
Started to move rock around and added some sand Filled up with water but need to get a touch more.Will get some more rock this week I think it needs some hight in there.
Powerhead is so quiet and plenty of flow cheers fisharefriends!
Looking gurrrd!

I'd definitely add more live rock before the cycle starts. Although i bought live rock about a week after i started my cycle. Luckily had no die off due to me getting it home rather quickly.

I'd also get a digi therm instead of the one your using, so much more accurate and cost about 3 quid!

Finding anything interesting on the rock?

The rock has sprouted some little mushrooms will get a pic tomorrow and a few little white tube things lol
Will get some rock tomorrow or Sunday want to open the clump on ghe right and have a bridge type effect. Does anyone glue there rock down?
Dang it! Had to take the pics now lol


iPhone quality sorry
Nice mushies! A love hate relationship with mushies hehe. I can not see what is in the last frame, but try taking a pic without zooming, then crop it and zoom on the computer or wherever.. Usually you can get better quality this way.

New pic
Added 3 kilo of rock and had a play , I like it now seen some fat little star fish thingys walking around the glass

Going to let it settle for a week now
The little internal filter is just going to be run over night to help clear
The little star fish are most likely asterinas - they are harmless but can reach plague proportions!
Cheers for the I'd :) will keep an eye on them. I love the way the rock interlocks and how it builds right in font of you! If that make sense.
Just a quick question
Is there any benefit having my rock pushed back touching the back glass been looking at some pics and some people do and some don't. What's best?
Try your best not to have your rock touching any of the glass; rock touching glass in general is a bad thing: it breaks up water flow and creates dead zones. Sometimes it cant be avoided though, but if you can, try not to have it touching the glass (also makes for easier cleaning etc)
Will do cheers!
Just on a up note found a local clown breeder £19 for a pair no bigger than an inch ;)
Got a pair on hold
Just another 2 kilo of live rock £12 deal as they where smallish bits from lfs, got some nice mushrooms on it will put pic up soon,
Also had a Aiptasia on it so I burnt it off,
also got a hermit crab that was hidding in the rock hope he lives :)



Skimmer is bedding in see how it goes had my water tested in two lfs today both reading match mine :)
Looking good!

Lucky with the hermit crab :good:

Just a thought, the rock that you have bought with the mushies on it, it looks flat to me? Try using it as a 'ledge' type piece that you can sit another rock on top of. It would look much better/natural imo, and will get more light.


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