Bought Some Bettas To Feel Better

I wouldn't have a clue. I bought him online from QLD and never got to see a pic of him.

Theres definately no eye there. Theres like a bit of a dent where it should be.

To be honest, I sort of hated him at first. Like it made me sick to look at him because he looked like some sort of mutant. I think it was just because I was disappointed that he only had 1 eye and wasn't the exact colour I wanted or that was advertised. I love him now though and wouldn't change him for anything!

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Ok well it's been well over 36 hours since they spawned.

I checked today babies. Even the bubble nest has disappeared!

Obviously this spawn has failed, but can someone be able to tell me what might have happened or what I have done wrong?
Sorry about the failed spawn =X but you're way ahead of me atleast lol. You did good!

And cyclops looks like a finger hahahahah. Weird Betta but hes definitely unique!
sometimes first time dads get confused and eat the eggs, if I am very worried about a dad doing that I syphon up a few eggs and place them in about 1 inch of tank water in a flat tupperware container that I float in the spawning tank. this way the dad still gets some eggs to practice with. once the eggs hatch and the fry are free swimming remove dad and very gentley pour the babies from the tupperware in the tank.

then feed asap and care as normal....just do not feed the babies while they are in the tupperware container...the water will foul quickly and kill them.
Great video but sorry to hear it hasn't worked THIS time. Just a couple of things I noticed....although it could be the camera angle. You could do with lowering the water level to about 5 inches so he doesn't have so far to go to pick up the eggs and also move the plant away from under his nest.

Don't give up on him yet....he's still learning and next time will hopefully do a better job :good:
Thanks for your advice guys!

LOL a finger! I never thought of that!

And netty...funnily enough, I didn't mean to spawn them. I had the male in the normal tank with a female floating near him to see if he would build a bubblenest. What I failed to remember was that I had another female free swimming in there too! She must have been in the coconut cave hiding! That's why I was so suprised that they were wrapping when I got home because I didn't know she was in there!

I guess it's for the better that it didn't work out. They weren't the pair I wanted to spawn anyway.

:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

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