Bottomless Pit

ok, well 2 more corals for the main tank that i can see. zoo's i want, she would like some pulsing xenia, either way we woud like some colourful ones.

ok, well 2 more corals for the main tank that i can see. zoo's i want, she would like some pulsing xenia, either way we woud like some colourful ones.


I love pulsing xenia, esp as our marine tank is next to our kitchen table where we eat tea - I just love watching them, I find them very relaxing after a hard day at work :)
He's just checking I haven't written anything nasty about him haha, though he is putting the baby to bed so can't currently defend himself We also sit next to each other with laptops on the sofa so he is often leaning over my shoulder seeing what I am putting!!

Aw! Aint that nice. Looks like Jon's drawn the short straw tonight.
Anyway point was about yer wallets (oh sorry Mrs J) and yer purses.
Aw! Aint that nice. Looks like Jon's drawn the short straw tonight.
Anyway point was about yer wallets (oh sorry Mrs J) and yer purses.

Yes well it's like any hobby I guess... the more you get into it the more it tends to cost.
Yes well it's like any hobby I guess... the more you get into it the more it tends to cost.
Yea tell me about it, I'm about to sell a kidney to finance this venture further.
Anyway there are some nice colourful zoos on Fleabay (dont know how you feel about that though.
And also how about
for top class Rics.
Yea tell me about it, I'm about to sell a kidney to finance this venture further.
Anyway there are some nice colourful zoos on Fleabay (dont know how you feel about that though.
And also how about
for top class Rics.

lol I know how you feel about the kidney... I'm sure we don't really need 2 ;) We have found some nice pulsing xenia online but haven't had much luck with delivery companies of late. Me being back to work after maternity leave doesnt help! I am also after a purple firefish which isn't going to be cheap. We just got a coral beauty which looks absolutely gorgeous and thankfully seems to be getting on well. We were looking at flame angels before we got the beauty.. but am not sure how I would cope if we spent £80 on a fish and it died.... :)
but am not sure how I would cope if we spent £80 on a fish and it died....
Let Jon buy it and you can say "I told you so". LOL Only Kidding.
If my wife only knew the half of it.
You and Jon are lucky to share in the hobby.
My wife loves to look at the result of my labours but groans when she finds out how much I've spent.
Back to the thread, I dare not tot up all the out goings for this project, it would be scary.
I breed killifish and once had 100 tanks in a purpose built fish-house.... I dont remember heamoraging money like this.
So glad we haven't got a big house.. Jon envisages big 8ft tanks the length of walls of the house, filled with corals and huge fish :) I tell him maybe one day when we are rich!
tell him maybe one day when we are rich!
Well i kinda stopped counting at 2 grand :huh: :blink: :S thats over about a year and has included upgrades through 3 tanks. Id say Ive lost about £450 worth of corals and fish in that time to the rubbish royal mail and a bad white spot outbreak :(
I have to say that you are really helping me keep to my tropical fish and not go marine. :lol: ..although I have spent alot of money on the tropical.....hmmm I think there is a pattern here somewhere!

FISH TANKS = EXPENSIVE HOBBY!!! (marine especially)

But i go into the LPS and see some really nice nano reefs and think.. maybe one day.:wub:

And i could be spending all my money on things which dont last...but I have something which I can spend hours watching.
Somewhere around a gran in the last four months, though that was for the start up of two tanks, i haven't mentioned that fact to my parents (I'm 16). Lol though it was my money, though quite a bit of that was spent by my Mum whos absolutely gleeful that she can now buy the corals she's been drooling over for that past 5 years.
Over the past 2 years I've prolly spent $2 grand on my setup... Pales in comparison to what my girlfriend spends on dresses and shoes though :crazy:

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