Bottom Dwellers

Me and Tizer have both tried to keep cories with tiger barbs and it just didn't work; mine were too shy of the tigers and would come out only to feed (and I have two dozen tigers); Tizer's cories had their dorsal fins nipped, so I'd say it's not worth the risk.

I keep zebra loaches and a couple of plecs with my tigers now, and that works very well.
In my honest opinion I would never risk tiger barbs and cichlids together again. I have tried it numerous times and the barbs just rip the cichlids to sheds.

You could try corys if you want but again its risky. I have had very similar experiences to fluttermoth with them but every fish is different I guess.

Whenever anyone asks me about active plecos I will always recommend Parotocinclus jumbo - Pitbull pleco. IMO they are massively underated. In almost every one of my tanks, algae or no algae, you will see a good trio of them at least (they should be kept in groups). I love these little plecos so much, they are just ideal for so many tanks. They are peaceful, active, playful, small (only grow to 6cm), hardy, amazing algae eaters and more. I call them the chameleons of the pleco world. They can change colour quite regularly to blend in to their surroundings. Regards the algae eating they are increadibly fast cleaners! The first time I got these fish was because my 15gallon tank had a massive algae outbreak. Every millimeter of the glass was covered and nearly all the decor aswell. In those days I was too lazy to clean myself! I got a trio of Pitbull plecos and within HOURS there wasn't any algae in site. It was stunning. Since then I have owned many of them and I now grow algae for them on rocks on a window sill so they have a constant supply. The second i put a new algae rock in they all get quite excited wiggling their tails frantically as they make there way over to it. Like all plecos they need to be fed other foods as well, mine love blanched courgette and peas (out of there shells). They chase the peas around the tank playing mini football with eachother :D its hilarious to watch. If I move the slightest thing in the tank or add anything new they are the very first fish to go and explore the new things! They are quite similar to corys, they rarely seem to sleep always at work cleaning but when they do they line up next to eachother on the substrate or on the glass even and sleep nex to eachother. Very sweet so you really do need to keep them in small groups. the minimum I would recommend would be 3 but 5 or 6 is usually better. Like corys they pine away and eat little when alone.
As you can see I cannot recommend them enough!! Do some research on these brilliant little fish and try hem out. You won't be at all dissapointed I promise! :D

Here are some links although the pictures look like different fish they arent I swear!

As you can see they can change their colour.
If you have any other questions at all feel free to pm me or ask here x
Me and Tizer have both tried to keep cories with tiger barbs and it just didn't work; mine were too shy of the tigers and would come out only to feed (and I have two dozen tigers); Tizer's cories had their dorsal fins nipped, so I'd say it's not worth the risk.

I keep zebra loaches and a couple of plecs with my tigers now, and that works very well.

I like fluttermoths idea here of Zebra Loach. Actually, any mid size Botia would be good.
I like the look of those plecs will have to ask in lfs for them and the loachs thanks guys
I had 12 tiger barbs with 6 3-lined cories and they were fine together. I also had my barbs with a 2.5" JD and one of the barbs got eaten in its sleep the first night! Swallowed whole, no bones. Needless to say the JD when back to the shop.


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