Botia: Striata Or Sidthimunki


Fish Herder
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Warwickshire, UK
Once my new tank is set up (240L) I'd like to add some loaches to help control the snail population.
I'm undecied between botia striata and botia sidthimunki.
Does anyone have experience keeping either of these?
Which are most likely to eat snails?
Is it right that they opt to eat smaller snails and leave bigger ones alone. I've got a red ramshorn about 1" diameter shell and 4 zebra nerite snails that I'd prefer not to get munched on as well as some mts that are fairly large.
What is a good group number for either of the above species? Or do they prefer to be alone?
I have some sidthimunkis in my tank with a zebra nerite and an apple snail. Both snails are thriving. I also have those tiny snails 1 or 2 mm across that look like miniature ramshorns. There are always loads of empty shells come out at each gravel vac - though I suppose they could have died of natural causes! Having said that, being eaten by a loach is natural, isn't it.
Sidthimunki need to be kept in shoals, I think 4 is the recommended minimum, more being even better.
I don't know anything about striata I'm afraid.

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