borring tank, need some decoration ideas


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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i have some really nice rocks, but they are from the ocean, would that be bad for my fresh water tank.

can i put wood from my trees in the tank?

the living plants always come undone, how do i keep them together.

i have 1 cave that all my cat fsih like, but it always falls over, how do i keep it standing up.

those fame plants from the craft stores, would they be ok for a tank, or no because of the metal in the... not the flowers, the leaf ones.
do you mean that the plants come undone as in they come out of the substrate and float away? also could you describe this cave for me? like what its made of and how its put together and what its standing on.
I'm not qualified to answer the other questions although id think it would be easier just to buy fake plants intended for aquariums than suspicious craft store ones.
do you mean that the plants come undone as in they come out of the substrate and float away?

yup, and they come w/a thing 2 keep them together, and an elastic band, etc, and one of them even brakes all the time,

also could you describe this cave for me? like what its made of and how its put together and what its standing on.

its made out of stacking stones, its in the gravel, there are 2 peaces that are slanted facing up that are about 2inches away from eachother, they places in the gravel, and then theres a long flat peice put on as a top.
hmmm. my plants used to float away just because i hadn't buried them deep enough in the gravel, and as they were new their roots hadnt got a hold on it, so up they went. the only thing i can suggest is to push them deeper into the substrate and maybe put a few small pebbles on the gravel around them to help.

I dunno about the cave. is there such thing as glue that can be used in aquriums? if so it might be easiest just to take it out, stick it together, wait till it dries then put it back in? otherwise if you have appropriate stones you could try giving it three sides to hold it up instead of two, in my mind that'd make it more stable, maybe again puch it into the gravel so the sides get some support from it...

I'm really sorry not to be of more help, I'm just saying ideas that come into my head and you've probably thought of them already. maybe someone else who is more knowledgeable will think of something? good luck though! :fish:
ok, thanks, i pushed the plants in, they didnt come up yet, lol, and im not sure about the glue. ive never herd of that before.
There is a glue for aquariums, sort of. I used to have my little rock formations fall over al the time, until someone tipped me off to silicone. Just make absolutely certain its the right stuff. Its the stuff they use to make aquariums, you know to seal the edges of the glass together. Its not as srong as real glue in the sense that if you try to pick up the little structure by the top, it will probably come off, but it does stick the rocks together enough, so that a fish swimming through it shouldnt knock it off. Just take the rocks out stick em on, and make sure you let them sit outta water for a day. Presto :thumbs: I hope this helps.
:flex: ♂ Those rocks from the ocean should be no problem. I have
several from the beach in southern Calif. Just soak them
for a little while in water with a bit of bleach, then soak them
in real hot water.
thanks yall, and how do u know what rock the rock is w/out doing a test?

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