Boris the Pacman...


Fish Addict
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
Suffolk, UK
Last week, we brought a new critter home with us. We'd been thinking of a pacman frog for some time and this little fella arrived in the store while we were browsing. Needless to say, we nabbed him before he was even taken out of his delivery box. :D

Anyway, here's the all-important photos. He's not the best creature to photograph, spending most of the day sitting doing nothing. Here's a few shots of him doing what he does best:

Looking out for crickets:

Top-down view. See what a fat thing he is for a baby!

Smiling for the camera :wub: :
They are such sweeties aren't they? :D Looks like a nice juicy worm your fella has there.

BTW, what are you using for substrate? We're using ForestBed.
LadyMinion question for you. Tell me if yours has this. My pacman is albino but he has like an area on both sides of his belly that looks like the same coloration of a normal pacman. like a small area. And does you frog sing to you yet? OMG Is so nice he sings me to sleep. You have to get used to it though. lol
wwestar2000 said:
I can't afford all that fancy petsmart stuff so i just use 50% potting soil and 50% Peat moss. What do you feed him? Can it be sexed yet?

Actually, the ForestBed only cost £4.49 but the difficulty is finding a store that sells it. We did have him on spaghnum moss but changed after reading that it can still cause fatal impactions. The ForestBed is a bit more of a pain to clean as it's finer and I don't think it looks as nice though.

At the moment, we've just been feeding him crickets. He likes small and medium browns. We're going to try him on earthworms soon.

I can't see any signs to recognise gender yet, he's still only tiny. I'm not sure if I'd like him to be male (and croaka lot) or female (and get really big). :D

Dwarfs said:
Awsome colors on the frog, I'd try one, but I've never had much luck with frogs :p

This is a new experience for us too, the biggest problem is finding accurate information about them. I'm sure we'll get along fine though. :D
wwestar2000 said:
LadyMinion question for you. Tell me if yours has this. My pacman is albino but he has like an area on both sides of his belly that looks like the same coloration of a normal pacman. like a small area. And does you frog sing to you yet? OMG Is so nice he sings me to sleep. You have to get used to it though. lol

Yes! He has slight pale green colouration on the more flabby bits at the sides, it's not very clear in the pictures but it is there. I was a little worried, but if yours has it too then it must be normal.

He hasn't started singing yet, if he turns out to be female he probaby won't. I would really like to hear him. He's right next to our bed, so we would have to get used to it too, but I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem. :D
How do you deal with feeding him crickets everyday. I would be going to the petstore everyday not to mention the cost. It would cost me 1.00 a day to feed him.. He will eat about 8 of them and the rest drown in the dish. I've found it much more easyer to go to walmart and go to the bait section and buy the 24 nightcrawlers for $2. He will eat 2 or more of those dayly. And about once a week bye 10 just to varie the diet. I'm currently trying to breed the crickets but it takes them way to long for them to grow big. Its a delema here and jersey. And budda honestly looks like he doesn't have a care in his life. :lol:

The singing isn't that bad. I am glad it's male. I probably wouldn't be able to afford the female's appitite... :) Oh and the nioses he makes is so cute! it sounds like a cartoon character. He also doe's it when he's scared like when im trying to take him out to clean the tank. He recently is starting to get the darker coloration on his throat 2 so im sure it's male. Let me stop im kinda ranting! lol :)
wwestar2000 said:
How do you deal with feeding him crickets everyday. I would be going to the petstore everyday not to mention the cost. It would cost me 1.00 a day to feed him.. He will eat about 8 of them and the rest drown in the dish. I've found it much more easyer to go to walmart and go to the bait section and buy the 24 nightcrawlers for $2. He will eat 2 or more of those dayly. And about once a week bye 10 just to varie the diet. I'm currently trying to breed the crickets but it takes them way to long for them to grow big. Its a delema here and jersey. And budda honestly looks like he doesn't have a care in his life. :lol:

The singing isn't that bad. I am glad it's male. I probably wouldn't be able to afford the female's appitite... :)  Oh and the nioses he makes is so cute! it sounds like a cartoon character. He also doe's it when he's scared like when im trying to take him out to clean the tank. He recently is starting to get the darker coloration on his throat 2 so im sure it's male. Let me stop im kinda ranting! lol :)

He doesn't eat too many actually. The small crickets aren't that expensive but I doubt he'll be on them for long. We do buy larger crickets for our gecko anyway,. so we throw a couple of them in too. I'm keen to see what he thinks of nightcrawlers so I think we'll be investing in some over the next couple of days.

I'll keep an eye out for the darkening colouration (fingers crossed). He hasn't made a sound when we've moved him so far.

Love the name you've given yours BTW, Budda is great! :D And don't worry about rambling, it's nice to talk to another pacman owner. :)
What a gorgeous frog ! I just saw one in my lfs last week but at £60 it's a bit steep :crazy: I think. What the going price for them ? (obviously depending on size....) the one I saw was probably about the size of my palm.
Do the males croak a lot then ?
bloozoo2 said:
What a gorgeous frog ! I just saw one in my lfs last week but at £60 it's a bit steep :crazy: I think. What the going price for them ? (obviously depending on size....) the one I saw was probably about the size of my palm.

Boris was £55. We could have got one for as cheap as £35 online, but we couldn't resist the opportunity. Albinos are slightly more expensive (about £5/£10).
LadyMinion said:
bloozoo2 said:
What a gorgeous frog ! I just saw one in my lfs last week but at £60 it's a bit steep  :crazy: I think. What the going price for them ? (obviously depending on size....) the one I saw was probably about the size of my palm.

Boris was £55. We could have got one for as cheap as £35 online, but we couldn't resist the opportunity. Albinos are slightly more expensive (about £5/£10).
Oh fab - well in that case £60 is probably about right for that size then. He is a real beauty and I'm very temped......

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