

May 2, 2004
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Down a dark hole... Down a dark hole... with an ow
introducing our new member of the family "Boots"

she is 10 weeks old and is a jack russel/collie. she has been with us for 2 weeks and is into everything. cant wait until Monday when she can start going out for walks


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Aww cant see the pic either, but I bet she's lovely :wub: Nice to see folks getting rescue dogs, there's so many needing homes. Cant wait for pics :D
:wub: What a beautiful little girl. She looks too adorable. I would like to nominate one of those pics for POTM. She is lovely. How are your kids loving her???

We have 2 boys who are very different. The youngest is six and boots has a thing for nibbling his toes! he is still being quite shy at times. Our older son is nearly 8 and would spend all day everyday cuddling and playing with her if he could. He can be a little manic at times and it ends up with them both over excited.

She has settled in really well and met my parents dog for the first time today. He is about 16 and was very calm and patient about being jumped all over!

thanks for the comments :) added another pic, seeing as I figured out how!


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God she's gorgeous :D :wub:

I dont envy you with simultaneous crawling toddler and housetraining though! :lol: I do understand picking a pup if you have kids though - a. you get to train them yourself and b. they get to grow up with them. Must add though that some adult rescues are great with kids - Sky came to us at somewhere between 4 and 6 years old, at the time we had a 6 year old and a 4 year old (daughters, not other dogs!), and we had the triplets in 2002. She's always been great with them.

But if we were to get another in the future, we'd probably go for a pup. Chances are we wont get another dog after Sky though, with me having mobility probs now. She's got a few years left in her yet though - phew!
LisaLQ - I agree with you 100%

There are far too many wonderful dogs in rescue long term being overlooked. I was quite dissapointed in myself really, but had quite good reasons....

When I was still living at home with my parents we got a family dog. The one we chose (stanley)was great with dogs, cats and children but could apparently escape over 6ft fences so his previous family had taken him to the rescue. he was apparently 4 years old and a lab/collie. he seemed just right!

Unfortunatly it became apparent that none of the above was the case. He was terrified of small children and was Ok with dogs smaller than him, but would attack anything bigger with German shephards being the favourite. he went to the vets the day after who treated him for a chronic and costly ear infection (a life long problem now due to it being untreated for so long) the family dog we thought we were getting turned out to be my dads dog as he was the only one who could control him. he has turned on my brother a couple of times for no reason at all. he is covered in scars and has a damaged tail. we were told his tail was shut in a door as a pup but the vet dissagrees and questions if it was ever treated.

Saying all that he is now an old man and is much calmer. I just couldnt face it happening again so on this occassion did not take that chance. I have made it very clear though that this is a one off! personally I would rather go for the older dog with some manners, but felt it was not the right choice at this time.

Just thought I should add that the rescue we got stan from was soon after closed down. it was in a poor state with little done for the dogs past basic care. they handed their dogs over to anyone with the cash. When looking for Boots I have come across no such places. Just lots of amazing people and facilities who do so much to help find each dog the perfect home.

thanks again
Jack Rusself / Collie ! What a nutty combo :lol: but sooo adorably cute :wub:
Hope she settles well. Keep us updated with pics as she matures :good:
Great looking dog. He looks like one of those pure baby puppies in a talking dog movie, who has to grow up fast in order to save the ones he loves!

But he's not growing up to be a studly wolf thingy, he's gonna stay cute forever :D
thanks for all the comments

She really is a cutie but a BIG handfull too!

Everytime we go out people want to stop and say hello. One woman had me in stitches the other day. claimed to be a dog trainer, then told me she couldnt see the Collie in her and in her opinion Boots was one of those "rare" black and white jack russels :blink: ........................ :lol:

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