

Fish Maniac
Mar 4, 2005
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Is anyone into this,
Been interested for a while especially Acers.
Would like to start a collection and learn.
Is anyone into this,
Been interested for a while especially Acers.
Would like to start a collection and learn.

Aquatic ones?

I got a terrestrial one, but because i live in a mouldy student house the tree has gone mouldy :(

Ive got a laburnum bonsai that is two years old that ive gron from seed. i might be able to get some pics.
Are acers classed as bonsai then?

bonsai means tray tree, i am into bonsai, i make them from small shrubs and tree seedlings.

it takes alot of patientce. for bansai you usually have to lessen the plants root system and shape the tree into what it would look like in nature if growing in hard conditions. they even make branches look dead as if strucken by lightening.

it is time consuming but worth it. for any bonsai to be a true bonsai you have to work on it for at least 2 years, you cant just pot up a tree and call it a bonsai :good:
I collected bonsai for a few years and spent a small fortune on them. I've lost interest in the hobby, most i've sold and tho one i have left are currently growing wild.

I have an XXXXXL Japanese Black Pine, it's about 3ft tall. White Pine, Heavily jinned/shari'd juniper, Tident maple which is half dead, Japanese White Wisteria which is currently planted in my front garden growing up my house as it wouldn't flower in a pot. It flowerd last spring but died back in autumn and now it's starting to bud again.

Also have a large landscape planting of needle junipers.

All is for sale if someone wants to give them a loving home apart from the Wisteria (very rare and cost me a fortune). Here it is below

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