Bonsai Trees....what’s the big deal!?

Ok lots of conversation going on. Yes I have bonsai, living. They are sure very very very expensive. AND NOT WORTH IT IF THEY DIE THE DAY YOU BUY THEM!!!. Sorry having temper issues[lol] I have one bonsai alive and it is so dang hard to maintain it. Oh and I have to irritate my LFS once a month to take a look at it. Not worth the time or cost but worth the look.

Here is the bonsai

In my shrimp tank
Is that moss on your underwater bonsai... i had a bonsai that lasted a couple of years but not in my tank.
Ok lots of conversation going on. Yes I have bonsai, living. They are sure very very very expensive. AND NOT WORTH IT IF THEY DIE THE DAY YOU BUY THEM!!!. Sorry having temper issues[lol] I have one bonsai alive and it is so dang hard to maintain it. Oh and I have to irritate my LFS once a month to take a look at it. Not worth the time or cost but worth the look.

Here is the bonsai

In my shrimp tank
So cool!
Thank you @Deanause, I so there anyway to “cut them up” kind of like with other plants, to have 2 smaller plants that will grow bigger?

That is sooo cool @Moony42! How many gallons is that tank? :)
when the risome is long enough to cut it and still have at least a couple of leaves on each risome, then it is ok to cut it and then reattach to rocks, driftwood, etc
I don’t want to kill it, so do you have a preferred YouTuber that didn’t this in a video, that maybe you could give me a link to? Thanks in advance! ;)

(Can The Anubias be Burried in the substrate? Because it is now, do I need to remove it, and put it on a rock/driftwood?) :)
you must not put anubias into the substrate or it will rot and die.. you can tie it to a rock to secure the rizome with a thread , thin string or fishing line. You can also use super glue to attach it. Let the superglue set for about 5 minutes before placing back into the tank.
Ok, I am letting it float now, because I don’t have time to tie it to a rock. :)
I just break a piece of it from the mother plant with my fingers. Break the thick part, not the leaf stem. I then super glue mine to small rocks. I believe I sent you a pick before, didn’t I? I’ll take another.
So I think it was starting to rot, because the “root base” is turning black. Thank you guys for telling me that I needed get it outta there, before it was ruined forever!! :thanks: ;)

Ok, so I just attached the Anubias to a piece of lava rock, via fishing line, and it looks great! Tell me what you think! ;)


(It is in the center, to the left of the “main” piece of driftwood.) :)

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