Boita Compatibility

It really creates a problem. I already had a sponge inside the outtake and that wasn't enough, I had to add one more that is suspended half way into the tank, and is held in place with a wooden skewer lol.  
Ok I was a bad boy today... went to petsmart and got 6 tiger barbs 4 ottos and they had 2 bigger polkadot loaches.... was not ready to spend 25 on two fish but they were lonely in there and begging me to get them.... so I got 12 fish. Looks like I will be doing a lot of water changes...

On the flow thing. I bought a power head that does 975gph... I cant stop that!!! Lol

Like the new look of my 20 long? Lol. Added a algae rock from the pond
I tell ya the polka dots really enjoy grazing on the hair algae. Too bad I coildnt keep it contained in the big tank. Would look kinda cool covering the rocks. Lol
Fish splurge!!!!!! That's awesome, I haven't done anything for my tank in a while.  I really want to up my number of loaches too, but the ones at my petsmart are awful looking. I wish they would get more in! Maybe it's worth a drive to the other petsmart...
I love that algae rock!!! It would probably keep your loaches from eating your plants too... hmmm....
Looks great!! :good:
hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. i had to bring all of my babrs to my lfs :/  they were tearing my cories apart every spawning, so we had to part ways.
Thats a bummer. :( mine have been great. No problems out of them... lol just the polka dot loach that is a little ninja... have not had anymore problems out of that one though. Strange!!
My loaches are honestly the strangest fish I have ever kept. Sometimes one will just be sitting there, then it falls over on it's side, and I of course freak out and run over to the tank, and then it just swims off lol. And they have figured out that they can stick themselves to the glass by balancing on the spots of brush algae...... :ninja:
I found my 6in clown laying on its side a while back. And I should be used to this.... but I ran to the tank an as usual it jumps up darts to the other side of the tank and just looks at me like "well that was rude. Just wait until your sleeping.... " lol.

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