Boita Compatibility

I love how it turned out! It looks great!!!! You should try your luck with some hydrocotyle "japan". It looks like a teeny pennywort, and would creep over the edge of that really nicely. I love the plant, it's what I first tried to grow on my hill when the rocks were there, but my cories kept uprooting it :rolleyes:   
Let me know how this trap goes, it would be a useful thing to know how to do!
I saw it on youtube. Cut the top off of a bottle and silicone it back on with the opening inside. Put food in and sink it. Fish swim in but cant get out. Will have to be a 2 litre for me because im gonna catch all the polkadots im sure... lol
Ahh!! I've seen that used for a shrimp trap too :ninja:
  I have a paranoid feeling that something is going on in my tank.. There's some flashing here and there, mostly my loaches, but I think it's the ones that have been wrestling, so I thought that might have caused it. Then I noticed a cory flashing here and there... not too sure what to do. My water stats are all great, but my water is weird looking.  There is always sediment floating around, I did a wc on sunday, then i found a dead otto today so i did another wc, and there's still stuff floating around the tank all over the place!!!! Urgh :angry:
Tell me about it! I know the particles in the water are from all of the food, BUT i have soo many bottom feeders, and I can never find any left over food hanging around.  My external manual says it's made to keep particles moving in the water, so that they never settle to the substrate... and I think my huge piece of driftwood is just flow-blocking the malarky outta my tank lol.  Maybe I'll wait a couple days before I use any meds..... i hate using meds, it's so stressful 
Mine flash once in a while. Even the tigers. Not the clowns though. Have done it sine I got them... I dunno. I wouldnt use meds untill you know something is up. Just my opinion. I have not done meds since I got my 6 footer. I dunno what to tell ya tho. :)
Well I seen 1 baby today. The numbers have been going down lately. My ottos are lazy and dont want to clean... lol tank is filthy but scared to clean it... lol but water stats are good so thats all that matters I guess. Im thinking if the plants I took from here and put in the big tank make it ok im gonna transplant them all. :) we will see how that goes in a few weeks. Oh and im getting tired of cleaning the sock on my filter tube.. lol ok my rant is done. Think I want to go back to one tank. Haha
Um, yea, I feel you lol.  I did a wc on my 10g today and it was extremely stressful! I was so scared I was going to suck up a platy baby, and they're kept swimming right up to the vacuum, and my shrimp all of a sudden wanted to make an appearance.... geeeeeze. And the piece of sponge that I stuck on the end of the intake is the bane of my existence too. And i don't have two male rams, one is a female... so I'll probably be in the same boat as you soon enough, but wait... that will be three tanks :blink:

yeah, I never do any meds unless there's no way around it. I just guess really nervous when I see flashing!! I just keep thinking parasites, bc there's no other signs. And parasites are scary lol
Well you shouldn't have any parasites if you have not introduced anything new to the tank recently, so only you would know that answer. I know every tank supposedly has ick but i dont think mine does anymore.. I changed out all of the sand :) lol I feel bad for all the little babies that didnt make it. I was starting to have high hopes after all the time i put into them. I seen two in the 20 mins i spent looking for them. lol but the plants are pretty dense too so they could be hiding in the plants, or rocks or wherever.. lol oh crap that reminds me i have to go clean that stupid sock... :)
Maybe they're just big enough to be on their own now. Babies are really hard to find, and the only way I could find the platies was bc of their black coloring, so I can imagine how hard little gray bolivians would be to spot...   it's hard, I added 27 platies to the 10g and I can now only count 18.  I don't know why so many of them die off, but that's why they have so many of them right?  filter socks make me want to rip out all of my hair!!!!! lol
Yeah its sad. but i guess thats life, if they all lived they would have to find a way to take over the world... haha. they arent grey at this size, they are clear with big eyes. thats the only way i find them. its cute i will find them sleeping on the ground, put food in and then they get up and eat. never seen that before. I dont have the patients to count out 17 baby fish let alone 28! thats pretty good. :) I cant wait to get rid of the dang sock, mine is just a nylon with filter foam stuffed into it to keep water moving.. haha
my platies have humongous eyes too!!  I had to replace the sponge with a piece of nylons, i don't think it was getting enough flow and the water was getting gross! i had to do a 100% wc :sick:
In the midst of some additions/rescape...sweet baby jesus, what did I get myself into lol....
Ok i'm going on a 3 day trip next month and i'm tryin to prepare for it while i'm gone. I dose 25ml of liquid carbon in the big tank per day and 4ml in the 20gal every day. I know the fish will be fine without food for 3 days but what will my tank look like after no carbon for 3 days???? any ideas?

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