Boita Compatibility


100 lbs of sand cleaned and ready..... not so easy
100 lbs of sand out... easy
100lbs of sand in... easy
100 gallons of temp matched water by 5 gal buckets.. im tired. Good night all. Let me know what you think. ;)
Better pics tomorrow I promise!!!
WHHHHAAATTT!!! That looks amazing! It looks like the tank doubled in size.. Ugh, so jealous!!!! I like the rocks to the side as well, and as usual, great placement.
well, the time has come... I have the sand in my 10g, shrimp ordered, and my heater is arriving today so I'll be throwing in some plants and getting the filter going :) I started a journal for it, if you wanna take a peek :shifty:
Man, still can't get over how good the black sand looks in your tank!!! 
The depth really looks a lot different. The clowns and tigers look great. But I see the poo more. Clown poo is reg sand color.... lol
speaking of fish poop lol....  I need a powerhead or something!!! There is so much poop hanging around, I don't know what's going on. Somehow I feel slightly overstocked, or maybe it's all the frozen food?! idk but the last couple days I've wanted to take a sledge hammer to my tank!!!  When I was setting up my 10 gallon, I was ready to switch some media over so I unplugged my external on the big tank and took out a couple chunks of the sponges in there, then gave everything a swoosh around and put it all back together, sealed it all back up, primed the pump, and plugged it all back in. THEN every disgusting little piece of EVERYTHING from the filter came flying into my tank. So I reacted by running around and trying to get my siphon hooked up, and in the midst of everything just started screaming " I quit!! I quit!!!!!! I QUIT!!!!" lol it was a horrible low point. This brown filter sludge will be the death of me.........
SO, yesterday I sat down with a cup of coffee to watch my fish. I haven't done this in quite some time, and I noticed how big all of my cories had gotten and how could I possibly not notice?!? Then it hit me, I was too busy being stressed about the plants and ferts and lighting and everything else and forgot to just enjoy my tank. So after feeling like a rotten mum :rolleyes: , I threw in a cucumber and took a video :)  Just adding the mood music, then I'll paste in on here for you to see. Let me know if you see a difference in the plants.. the only thing I notice is the moss and the roots to the java fern are growing very nicely lol OH, and edward's face bristles are quite impressive now!
Very nice greenmum. The plants are looking well and I hear the fish saying thank you, thank you...
Thanks snazy :) still a bit confused about my venezuelans. they're putting on weight and rounding out but they're not getting any bigger in size!?
they're putting on weight and rounding out but they're not getting any bigger in size!?        
I was reading once on corydorasworld that they don't grow at all as big as other corys and it seems the info on internet about their size is wrong. I think they grow like 1 inch or a bit over that.
Your polkadot loaches seem to be growing well :) edward looks pretty good too. I entered my bn in fotm for july. I have been calling him spike :) your tank looks very nice. I have high hopes for the new lights in my big tank when they get here ;) hopefully things will grow good. I want a gairgrass carpet like slim. :) he almost scared me away from entering totm again.... lol

its so easy to focus on the tank. Plants. Sand and everything time go by too fast. I had the same thing happen with mt clowns. Two of them hit a major growth spurt while I have been doing all this. One is even bigger than the big one in the video of them eating. There growth should be pretty slow from here on out though. :)

oh and the black sand made both the clowns and the tiger barbs take on more of a black color. Is beautiful with the red and orange fins and stripes. :)

oh and my 32 gig sd card for my phone died taking all my pictures with it. That really really sucks. I usually back everything to the computer but I just have not had time. :((
Sorry to hear about the memory card. I hate losing pictures, it's really upsetting and such a bummer :(
The loaches are growing. My smallest one now has a lateral line and they always have fat bellies, so i think they're healthy. I saw one of my ottos with the fattest belly I'd ever seen on such a little fish lol...
I bet the coloration after the change to black sand is huge! I remember what a difference just adding my black background made.
I would looove to have a carpeting plant. When I rescape my shrimp tank, I'm going to try baby tears. I like the way it mounds :)  
Slim's tank is awesome lol Did you enter again this month? I thought you couldn't do two months in a row, hmmm...

I have babies. Im exited but unsure of what to do. Any of you have any suggestions?
You cant do two months in a row if you win from what I read in the rules. Eagles has not kicked me out yet so I must be ok.
I got my new lights friday. Got them all set up with my homemade reflectors and mounted to my canopy. Hope it makes a difference. Im at 216 watts in HO and 56 watts at NO so I think 272 watts should be ok. :) hope to see some improvment on my existing plants soon. Then it will be off to the store for more :)

man im so exited about the babies. Watched mom and dad guard them for a while. Then they dug a hole 2" away and moved them. How cute. I hope they make it. I think the ottos would be safe. Wondering about the other bolivian. And the liquid carbon would be ok I presume?
try that.
That's a lot of babies!!!! so cool to see them in the substrate! What did they originally lay them on???

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