Bn's And Cichlids


The BE-Team Fighting For Betta Extermination
Apr 12, 2006
Reaction score
Gloucester, England
well i'm considering moving my BN's into there final home, and making sure it's safe.

they are about 1 - 1.5" atm i don't think any of cichlids would eat them as they aren't that small and none of my other fish are that big, biggest cichlid atm a 5" parrot.

there are quite a few places for them to hide so they won't be out in the open all the time either.

i'm having trouble deciding, so any help will be appreicated (i'll post in NW cichlids aswel)

You might want to be a little more specific about what kinds of cichlids you have. generaly speaking, they should be fine together - but it does depend on exactly what you have.
I was told that BNs are fine with parrot cichlids but I've never tried them. I had a common pleco in with my parrot and he ended up dead... It really depends on the nature of the parrot and often it's not recommended to put much smaller fish in with them.
cichlids, are NW and include sajica, severums, rainbows, parrots, salvini, kissing gourami and a paradise fish.

at there size of only 1"-1.5" you all think it will be safe?

that's good if it is means they will have lot's more room.

Oh. Didn't see the sizes, sorry.
Hhmmm, I mean you could try it and see how it goes and if it doesn't look good then take them out to grow a bit.

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