Alright, so as an update, for the moment, we have taken the blood parrot out of the tank and moved him into our 36 gallon tank with just our red tailed shark. The blood parrot seems a lot happier, as we are consistently catching him roaming about the tank. He just hides whenever we come into the room, but will come out and play with the red tail after a few minutes if we stay still enough. Since then, the African Cichlids are much more active within the tank and hiding occasionally. We put some duckweed in there today and they immediately started chasing it around and seem to be making a game out of catching it to nibble on it. So thank you again for all of the suggestions and advice. We are still monitoring the fish to see if any of them are being overly aggressive, at which point, we will donate them to the local aquarium store to see that they find better situations. And we are definitely done taking the advice of the chain pet store people when it comes to fish. I’m glad to have found this forum and I wish it didn’t take so long to do so!